Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (787 - 789 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#938 arango Fixed VERY IMPORTANT: Update CMake and corrected bug
  • Updated CMake flags for GNU (Compilers/compiler_flags_GNU_Fortran.cmake) and Intel (Compilers/compiler_flags_Intel_Fortran.cmake) compilers.
  • Update the information in Compilers/roms_compiler_flags.cmake to ROMS BUILD TYPE, ROMS COMPILER FLAGS, and internal macro my_fflags.
  • Corrected bug ESM/coupling_esmf.yaml, ESM/coupling_esmf_coamps.yaml, and ESM/coupling_esmf_wrf.yaml. We need the extrapolation_method to have a value of nearest instead of none. By default, the ESMF/NUOPC library needs the specification of the regrid and extrapolation methods in all the import and export fields:
     - standard_name:       downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
        long_name:           surface downward shortwave radiation flux
        short_name:          dSWrad
        data_variables:      [dswrad, time]
        source_units:        W m-2
        destination_units:   W m-2
        source_grid:         cell_center
        destination_grid:    cell_center
        add_offset:          0.0d0
        scale:               1.0d0
        debug_write:         false
        connected_to:        *ATM                                   # swdown
        regrid_method:       bilinear
        extrapolate_method:  nearest
    Many thanks to Fernando Pareja for bringing this to my attention.
#939 arango Done Tagged latest respository version as ROMS 4.1

The current trunk revision (-r 1172) is relatively stable, so we are tagging this as ROMS Version 4.1 and the beginning of ROMS Version 4.2. Also, it will give us a clean start for the ROMS GitHub master branch.

#940 arango Fixed Important: Corrected the state indices counters
  • Corrected conflict with the state variables counters for isMtke and isWvel. In mod_ncparam.F, we now have:
    !  Set IDs for state some state variables.
    #ifdef SOLVE3D
          DO i=1,MT
          END DO
    # if defined GLS_MIXING || defined MY25_MIXING
    # endif
    #if defined ADJUST_WSTRESS || defined FORCING_SV     || \
        defined HESSIAN_FSV    || defined SO_SEMI        || \
        defined STOCHASTIC_OPT
    #ifdef SOLVE3D
    # if defined ADJUST_STFLUX  || defined FORCING_SV     || \
         defined HESSIAN_FSV    || defined SO_SEMI        || \
         defined STOCHASTIC_OPT
          DO i=1,MT
          END DO
    # endif
    The state variables indices (order is necessary). Currently, the maximum number of state variables in 3D applications is 9+2*MT. If MT=2 (temperature and salinity), the state variables have the following order:
         1,   2,    3,4,5,      6,      7,  8,9,  10,  11,     12,     13
      zeta,ubar, vbar,u,v,Tvar(1),Tvar(2),TKE,W,Ustr,Vstr,Tsur(1),Tsur(2)
    Many thanks to John Warner for bringing this issue to my attention.
  • Provided more information in mod_param.F for state variables lateral boundary conditions indices to the LBC structure:
#ifdef SOLVE3D
      nLBCvar=5+MT                 ! zeta, ubar, vbar, u, v, Tvar(1:MT)
# if defined GLS_MIXING || defined MY25_MIXING
      nLBCvar=nLBCvar+1            ! TKE
# endif
      nLBCvar=3                    ! zeta, ubar, vbar
  • The state variables in mod_scalars.F are allocated as vectors of size 9+2*MT.
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