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Results (784 - 786 of 969)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#933 arango Done Updated several Matlab scripts
  • Several scripts were enhanced including: ioda_read.m, plot_ioda.m, hplot.m, plot_diff.m, plot_field.m, and plot_section.m.
  • utility/interp_station.m: It extracts station data from ROMS NetCDF files at specific locations. It can be used to check ROMS-JEDI H(X) operators that interpolates model state variables at the observation locations. Also, it can be used to compare and verify horizontal and vertical interpolations from the IODA/UFO JEDI operators.
#934 arango Done Added new module get_env.F

A new module get_env.F was added to retrieve system environmental variables, which can be decoded as logical, integer, or string values. For example, we can have in the environment:

setenv ROMS_DEBUG 1
setenv ROMS_TRACE 4
setenv ROMS_HOME  /Users/arango/ocean/repository/git

Then, we can retrieve such values into a logical, integer, and strings variables, respectively, inside ROMS code by using:

     Logical :: Ldebug
     integer :: Itrace
     character (len=256) :: roms_home

     status = get_env('ROMS_DEBUG', Ldebug)
     status = get_env('ROMS_TRACE', Itrace)
     status = get_env('ROMS_HOME',  roms_home)

Notice that get_env is a PUBLIC overloading function that decodes the string value of the environmental variables to another type of variable like integer and logical.

Currently, this capability is used in the ROMS-JEDi interface, but I can see its usage in the ROMS source code in the future.

The get_env.F module uses Fortran 2003 GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE intrinsic function.

#936 arango Done IMPORTANT: Miscelaneous Update
  • To distinguish between ESMF and MCT coupling, the module in mct_coupler.h is renamed from ocean_coupler_mod to mct_coupler_mod. I missed that renaming when I restructured the coupler a few years back. I noticed this issue when using CMake in the ROMS-JEDI interface. There are changes in several that include this module with the USE association.
  • Remove using ecbuild command in cbuild_roms.csh and The ecbuild tool, developed at ECMWF, is a built function on top of CMake and consists of a set of macros and a wrapper around CMake. It is exclusively used in the ROMS-JEDI interface and JEDI to configure the entire data assimilation system components.
  • Modified and cleaned main CMakeLists.txt and Compilers/roms_config.cmake to facilitate compiling ROMS source code within the ROMS-JEDI interface and to allow the workflow of different ROMS-JEDI applications.

Many thanks to David Robertson for figuring out the complicated manipulations with CMake, which is exclusively used in JEDI.

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