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Results (781 - 783 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#930 arango Done Minor Miscelaneous Update
  • For consistency with the ROMS-JEDI interface, the standard_name pair for zeta in varinfo.yaml was changed.
     - variable:       zeta                                             # Input/Output
       standard_name:  sea_surface_height_above_geopotential_datum
       long_name:      free-surface
       units:          meter                                            # [m]
       field:          free-surface
       time:           ocean_time
       index_code:     idFsur
       type:           r2dvar
       add_offset:     0.0d0
       scale:          1.0d0
    It is a more consistent value when assimilating Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT), which is derived from satellite altimetry observations:
    ADT = MeanDynamicTopography (MDT) + SeaLevelAnomaly (SLA)
  • Corrected information typos in driver jedi_roms.h and yaml_parser.F.
#931 arango Fixed VERY IMPORTANT: corrected bug in ATM_PRESS term for shallow-water applications

There is a sign error when adding the ATM_PRESS term in step2d for shallow-water applications (SOLVE3D off). So we need to have the following code instead:

#if defined ATM_PRESS && !defined SOLVE3D
          rhs_ubar(i,j)=rhs_ubar(i,j)-                                  &
     &                  fac3*on_u(i,j)*                                 &
     &                  (h(i-1,j)+h(i,j)+                               &
     &                   gzeta(i-1,j)+gzeta(i,j))*                      &
     &                  (Pair(i,j)-Pair(i-1,j))
#if defined ATM_PRESS && !defined SOLVE3D
            rhs_vbar(i,j)=rhs_vbar(i,j)-                                &
     &                    fac3*om_v(i,j)*                               &
     &                    (h(i,j-1)+h(i,j)+                             &
     &                     gzeta(i,j-1)+gzeta(i,j))*                    &
     &                    (Pair(i,j)-Pair(i,j-1))

We need to use a minus sign for the contribution—many thanks to Shunpei Matsuo for reporting this bug.

I noticed the sign issue when coding the adjacent term for the TIDE_GENERATING_FORCES option in step2d_LF_AM3.h for a similar shallow water configuration. I was supposed to set a test case for the air pressure forcing inverted barometer effect in the barotropic pressure gradient. But it was low on my long priority list. So, I forgot. Thus, Shunpei Matsuo's cyclone application is suitable for testing the ATM_PRESS this term.

A cyclone rotates counterclockwise around a center of low atmospheric pressure in the northern hemisphere. Consequently, the inverted barometer effect causes the water level to rise to form a dome around the low-pressure center, as shown below:

Notice that the opposite would happen over a cell of high air pressure causing the water level to drop.

Above Figure is taken from the SWELLNET, which is used by surfers.

#932 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Update arguments to intrisic function PACK
  • Several versions of gfortran failed when the Fortran intrinsic function PACK had a pointer as the first argument. The PACK function is used when reading NetCDF files, and the CHECKSUM option is activated. So, for example, in nf_fread2d.F, we need to have instead:
          IF (Lchecksum) THEN
    # ifdef DISTRIBUTE
            IF (.not.allocated(Cwrk)) allocate ( Cwrk(Npts) )
            Cwrk = PACK(Adat(Imin:Imax, Jmin:Jmax), .TRUE.)
            CALL get_hash (Cwrk, Npts, checksum, .TRUE.)
    # else
            IF (.not.allocated(Cwrk)) allocate ( Cwrk(Npts) )
            Cwrk = PACK(Adat(Is:Ie, Js:Je), .TRUE.)
            CALL get_hash (Cwrk, Npts, checksum)
    # endif
            IF (allocated(Cwrk)) deallocate (Cwrk)
          END IF
  • Updated the gfortarn make configuration script to comment the -fsanitize compiling flags:
    #          FFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined
    The sanitization in a newer version for gfortran requires a couple of libraries during compilation and execution.
  • Added compiler option -fallow-argument-mismatch to CMmake configuration file Compilers/compiler_flags_GNU_Fortran.cmake.
  • Added verbose (-v) option to CMake build scripts cbuild_roms.csh and
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