Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#100 arango arango Fixed Parallel bug in SWAN

A parallel bug was found in our version of SWAN as reported in the forum. Many thanks to John Warner for fixing this bug. For more information check the following forum link:

#104 arango kate Fixed combo of LMD and WET_DRY blows up

Question about this code in step2d:

# if defined WET_DRY && defined MASKING
          zeta(i,j,knew)=zeta(i,j,knew)+                                &
     &                   (Dcrit(ng)-h(i,j))*(1.0_r8-rmask(i,j))
# endif

Do you really want to do this inside the land mask or just inside the rmask_wet? It causes trouble in the LMD_SKPP inside the land mask when h is big (say 312m). It leads to a wacky computation of the light at the bottom of the mixed layer if zeta=-312. If this is indeed correct, I would advocate setting h to hmin inside the land mask after it is read in.

#105 arango kate Fixed BKPP error on my part

See attached patch. It uses shortwave radiation to compute a non-zero bottom turbulent buoyancy forcing. It also add shapiro filtering of bottom depth of boundary layer.

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