Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (772 - 774 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#920 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Corrected few typos and updated nesting.F

This is a simple update:

  • Added make configuration, which allows compiling/linking ROMS with the NAGFOR compiler on Apple Silicon (Arm v8 processor) Macs. In addition, we corrected several minor typos that the NAGFOR compiler didn't like. Many thanks to David Robertson for getting this to work.
  • Corrected typos in gls_corstep.F and lmd_vmix.F routines. Many thanks to Michael Dinniman for reporting this issue.
  • Corrected bug in get_grid.F when the UV_DRAG_GRID and PIO_LIB library C-preprocessing options are activated. Many thanks to Pan Feng for bringing this issue to our attention.
  • Corrected typo in equilibrium_tide.F. Many thanks to Pan Feng for reporting this problem.
  • Updated nesting.F to ensure that the averaged zeta in the donor grid is not less than Dcrit when WET_DRY is activated. Introduced a REFINE_BOUNDARY C-preprocessing option to suppress updating u, v, ubar, and vbar in fine2coarse. The default is to REFINE_BOUNDARY off. Many thanks to John Warner for the update.
#921 arango Fixed Minor correction to close_io.F and set_contact.F

This update corrects minor issues in the following files:

  • close_io.F: Ensure that the biology model header file is written into the bio_file global attribute in output NetCDF files. Many thanks to Aijun Zhang for bringing this problem to my attention.
  • set_contact.F: Correct of the get_Vweights switch to accelerate nested computations. We need instead:
    !  Set the switch to compute vertical interpolation weights. Currently,
    !  they are only needed in non-coincident composite grids.
          IF (ANY(Lcoincident).or.ANY(Lcomposite)) THEN
          END IF
    Many thanks to Andy Moore for reporting this issue.
#922 arango Done Added several new Matlab Scripts

I have many new helpful Matlab scripts waiting to be loaded into the repository.

Other scripts will be updated later after some testing.

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