Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (706 - 708 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#845 kate Fixed Tracer advection settings

The T and S advection schemes are read in read_phypar.F and ThreeGhostPoints is then set accordingly. It isn't until much later in inp_par.F that the biology, etc. advection schemes are read. If I have the old standard U3 for T and S and something fancier for biology, ThreeGhostPoints is not being set.

#846 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Corrected ad_step3d_t.F, tl_step3d_t.F, and rp_step3d_t.F

The logical switch Lmpdata is located in the wrong place in ad_step3d_t.F, tl_step3d_t.F, and rp_step3d_t.F:

!  Time-step horizontal advection term.
      Lmpdata=ANY(tl_Hadvection(:,ng)%MPDATA).and.                      &
     &        ANY(tl_Vadvection(:,ng)%MPDATA)

It needs to be located outside of the AD_SUPPORTED, TL_SUPPORTED, and RP_SUPPORTED directives, repectively.

Many thanks to Julia Levin for bringing this to my attention.

#847 arango Fixed VERY IMPORTANT: Corrected issues with 4D-Var weak constraint

Fixed couple of issues in the weak constraint 4D-Var algorithm:

  • Removed some legacy code in routines forcing.F and tl_forcing.F when processing the impulse forcing for the weak constraint 4D-Var formulation. The legacy code that included the forcing for ubar and vbar in 3D solutions were removed from forcing.F when SOLVE3D is activated. Similarly, the forcing for tl_ubar and tl_vbar was removed from tl_forcing.F.
  • Added logic to def_impulse.F, get_data.F, set_data.F, tl_get_data.F, tl_set_data.F, and checkvars.F to avoid processing the weak constraint impulse forcing for ubar (tl_ubar) and vbar (tl_vbar) when SOLVE3D is activated.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help in tracking this bug.

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