Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#85 arango arango Fixed Several bugs in 4DVAR when adjusting surface fluxes

There are several bugs in the 4DVAR algorith when adjusting surface wind stress and surface tracer flux using ADJUST_WSTRESS and ADJUST_STFLUX. This is a new capability in the 4DVAR algorithms which we are still developing. Many thanks to Gregoire Broque for reporting and fixing these bugs.

#86 arango arango Fixed NEMURO model input file

Some of the input parameters in input script have the incorrect units. As implemented in ROMS, the concentration is in millimoles/meter3. The values of these parameters in the Kishi et al paper are in micromoles/liter. Notice that the conversion is:

1 micromole/liter = 1 millimole/m^3

Many thanks to Al Hermann for reporting this bug.

#88 arango arango Done 4DVAR surface forcing corrections

There are several corrections for the 4DVAR algorithm to minimize surface forcing fields. This is activated with ADJUST_STFLUX and ADJUST_WSTRESS. Several IO corrections are needed in few files. Many thanks to Gregorie Broquet for his debugging of this capability.

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