Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#79 arango arango Done Lower and upper bounds indices

We started working on the nesting capabilities of ROMS. We plan to modify the algorithm sequentialy instead of a big update. To facilitate nesting and ESMF, the lower and upper bounds for the computational tiles and array dimensions are now saved in the structure BOUNDS defined in mod_param.F. This structure contains all the indices for all tiles per nested grid. We just need to compute them only once. Previously, we computed them on the flight every time that the are needed. Of course, this was a very redundant computation.

#80 arango arango Fixed Typo in option ADJUST_WSTRESS

There is a typo in state_addition.F and state_copy.F when adjusting surface wind stress. The C-preprocessing option should be ADJUST_WSTRESS instead of ADJUST_STRESS. Many thanks to Gregoire Broquet for reporting this bug.

#84 arango jcwarner Fixed regrid wrong dimension

regrid.F, bottom, has:

      IF (iflag.eq.linear) THEN
        CALL linterp2d (ng, 1, Nx, 1, Nx,                 
      ELSE IF (iflag.eq.cubic) THEN
        CALL cinterp2d (ng, 1, Nx, 1, Nx,                               &
      END IF

I think this should be

        CALL linterp2d (ng, 1, Nx, 1, Ny,                               &
        CALL cinterp2d (ng, 1, Nx, 1, Ny,                               &
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