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Results (643 - 645 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#774 arango Fixed Several improvements to module mod_netcdf

Made several improvements to routines netcdf_get_fatt, netcdf_get_satt, and netcdf_inq_var.

Several of us were having issues when reading floating-point and string attributes for a variable or global header.

#775 kate Fixed small bug in new version

Need to use my_ncid instead of ncid in routine netcdf_inq_var:

          DO i=1,MIN(Matts,n_gatt)
            status=nf90_inq_attname(my_ncid, nf90_global, att_id,       &
      &                             att_name(i))
            IF (status.eq.nf90_noerr) THEN
              status=nf90_inquire_attribute(my_ncid, nf90_global,       &
      &                                     TRIM(att_name(i)),          &
      &                                     xtype = att_kind(i),        &
      &                                     attnum = att_id)
            END IF
          END DO
#776 arango Done Updated Matlab Scripts

Several of the Matlab scripts in the matlab/grid directory of the repository where updated including the grids to process the contact points between nested grids.

New Scripts:

  • check_refine.m: Checks a ROMS nested refinement grid structure. It generates and plots several information fields to check a refinement nested configuration. Several fields are averaged in the fine-to-coarse sense to check conservation properties.
  • qc_interp.m: Interpolates requested field from ROMS coarse to a finer grid using 9-points quadratic conservative interpolation (Clark and Farley, 1984), such that the coarse-to-fine and fine-to-coarse are reversible.
  • refined_gridvar.m: Sets requested refined grid variable from ROMS coarse grid by division or quadratic conservative interpolation (Clark and Farley, 1984).

Both functions qc_interp and refined_gridvar are not currently used. I haven't able to prove and verify the conservation properties discussed in Clark and Farley (1984).

Updated Scripts:

  • add_mask.m: Adds land/sea masking array to specified NetCDF file that it is not a ROMS grid NetCDF file. It primarily used to add mask field to datasets to aid on spatial interpolations.
  • coarse2fine.m: Updated interpolation strategy and many other little things.
  • contact.m: Updated interpolation strategy and fixed the computing od the interpolation weights for composite grids.
  • fine2coarse.m: Rewritten completely.
  • get_roms_grid.m: Added domain perimeter at PSI-points to the grid structure.
  • grid_connections.m: Added hybrid nesting option. It will be used in the future.
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