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#751 arango Done Important: Added new vertical stretching functional

Added new vertical stretching option, Vstretching=5, based on a quadratic Legendre polynomial function that allows higher resolution near the surface developed by Souza et al. (2015). Many thanks to Joao Sousa and Brian Powell for coding and testing this new vertical stretching. For more documentation, please check WikiROMS or the publication reference.

  • The new vertical stretching functional is coded in set_scoord.F:
    ! Stretching 5 case using a quadratic Legendre polynomial function
    ! aproach for the s-coordinate to enhance the surface exchange layer.
    ! J. Souza, B.S. Powell, A.C. Castillo-Trujillo, and P. Flament, 2015:
    !   The Vorticity Balance of the Ocean Surface in Hawaii from a
    !   Regional Reanalysis.'' J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 424-440.
    ! Added by Joao Marcos Souza - SOEST - 05/07/2012.
          ELSE IF (Vstretching(ng).eq.5) THEN
            DO k=N(ng)-1,1,-1
              sc_w=-(rk*rk - 2.0_r8*rk*rN + rk + rN*rN - rN)/(rN*rN - rN)-  &
                   0.01_r8*(rk*rk - rk*rN)/(1.0_r8 - rN)
              IF (theta_s(ng).gt.0.0_r8) THEN
                Csur=(1.0_r8-COSH(theta_s(ng)*sc_w))/                       &
         &           (COSH(theta_s(ng))-1.0_r8)
              END IF
              IF (theta_b(ng).gt.0.0_r8) THEN
                Cbot=(EXP(theta_b(ng)*Csur)-1.0_r8)/                        &
         &           (1.0_r8-EXP(-theta_b(ng)))
              END IF
            END DO
            DO k=1,N(ng)
              sc_r=-(rk*rk - 2.0_r8*rk*rN + rk + rN*rN - rN)/(rN*rN - rN)-  &
                   0.01_r8*(rk*rk - rk*rN)/(1.0_r8 - rN)
              IF (theta_s(ng).gt.0.0_r8) THEN
                Csur=(1.0_r8-COSH(theta_s(ng)*sc_r))/                       &
         &           (COSH(theta_s(ng))-1.0_r8)
              END IF
              IF (theta_b(ng).gt.0.0_r8) THEN
                Cbot=(EXP(theta_b(ng)*Csur)-1.0_r8)/                        &
         &           (1.0_r8-EXP(-theta_b(ng)))
              END IF
            END DO
          END IF
    The new functional is similar to Vstretching=4, but with a quadratic instead or linearly varying fractional vertical coordinate, s.
  • The Matlab scripts stretching.m, set_depth.m, and scoord.m were updated with the new vertical stretching option. The difference between Vstretchin=4 and Vstretching=5 is illustrated below.

For Vtransform=2 and Vstretching=4, we get almost 4 vertical levels in the top 50 m:

Contrarily, with Vtransform=2 and Vstretching=5, we double the number of vertical levels to 8 in the top 50 m:

Notice that the increased vertical resolution at the near-surface causes a loss of resolution at the bottom.

  • All the input ocean_*.in scripts were modified to update the documentation about Vstretching.


Souza, J. M., B. Powell, A. C. Castillo-Trujillo, and P. Flament, 2015: The Vorticity Balance of the Ocean Surface in Hawaii from a Regional Reanalysis, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 424-440, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-0074.1.

#752 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Corrected Observation Screening and Quality Control in Primal Formulation
  • Corrected a bug in ad_misfit.F and obs_write.F in the managing of the screening and quality control variable obs_scale for the 4DVAR primal formulation. The issue is that in the primal formulation (IS4DVAR), the current time window (or survey) observations are loaded to the working arrays using local indices (array elements 1:Nobs) as opposed to global indices in the dual formulation (W4DPSAS and W4DVAR). Recall that the screening variable ObsScale is computed only once to facilitate Background Quality Control on the first pass of the NLM (WrtObsScale=T and wrtNLmod=T). Therefore, we need to load and save values into global array ObsScaleGlobal so it can be used correctly by the TLM, RPM, and ADM.
    # ifndef WEAK_CONSTRAINT
    !  Save observation reject/accept flag in GLOBAL screening variable.
            IF (wrtObsScale(ng).and.wrtNLmod(ng)) THEN
              DO iobs=NstrObs(ng),NendObs(ng)
              END DO
              DO iobs=NstrObs(ng),NendObs(ng)
              END DO
            END IF
    # endif
    Then, in ad_misfit.F, we just need to load the correct ObsScale for the current time assimilation window:
    !  Load observation reject and accept flag into screening variable.
            DO iobs=NstrObs(ng),NendObs(ng)
            END DO
  • Updated input 4DVAR script to include the extra-observation parameters:
    ! In any application, the number of observation types is computed as:
    ! NobsVar = NstateVar + NextraObs.
    ! NextraObs values are expected for keywords ExtraIndex and ExtraName.
    ! If NextraVar > 1, enter one observation type names per line and
    ! use a backslash as the continuation.
          NextraObs = 0
         ExtraIndex = 20
          ExtraName = radial
    Here, NextraObs is the number of extra-observation classes to consider in addition to those associated with the state variables (one-to-one correspondence). They are used in observation operators that require more that one state variable to evaluate a particular extra-observation type like HF radials, travel time, pressure, or any other complex observation operator to be implemented in the future. In any application, the number of observation types is now computed as:
         NobsVar(ng) = NstateVar(ng) + NextraObs
    If not processing extra-observation classes, set NextraObs=0.

The parameter ExtraIndex defines the extra-observation class identification indices, as specified in the input observation NetCDF file variable obs_type. The index has to be unique and a number greater than 7+2*NT, where NT is the total of active plus passive tracers. The 7 values include zeta, ubar, vbar, u, v, sustr, and svstr. The 2 factor for NT is to account for the surface tracer flux. Therefore, avoid using 1:7+2*NT numbers for indices because they are reserved for the state vector. Be aware that you may want to use biological data assimilation in the future. NextraObs values are expected for this keyword. This parameter is only processed when NextraObs > 0.

The keyword ExtraName defines the extra-observation class names. NextraObs values are expected. This parameter is only processed when NextraObs > 0. Enter one type name per line and use a backslash for continuation. For example:

     ExtraName = radial   \

Currently, we are exploring the implementation of complex observation operators. This update is a structural change to facilitate implementing such operators in the future.

  • A new variable obs_meta is added to the input observations NetCDF file:
    	double obs_meta(datum) ;
    		obs_meta:long_name = "observation meta value" ;
    		obs_meta:units = "associated state variable units" ;
    The variable obs_meta contains additional data qualifiers for the extra-observation value specified in obs_value, which can be used in complex operators in the future.
  • Introduced mapping indices from state variable to observation type (ObsState2Type) and its inverse from observation type to state variable (ObsType2State). It is done because the extra-observation index (ExtraIndex) may not be in sequential enumeration with respect to regular observation types.

In obs_write.F, the ObsState2Type is used as follows:

        IF (wrtNLmod(ng).and.                                           &
     &      (FOURDVAR(ng)%ObsCount(isFsur).gt.0)) THEN
          CALL extract_obs2d (ng, 0, Lm(ng)+1, 0, Mm(ng)+1,             &
     &                        LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                       &
     &                        ObsState2Type(isFsur),                    & !<==
     &                        Mobs, Mstr, Mend,                         &
     &                        rXmin(ng), rXmax(ng),                     &
     &                        rYmin(ng), rYmax(ng),                     &
     &                        time(ng), dt(ng),                         &
     &                        ObsType, ObsVetting,                      &
     &                        Tobs, Xobs, Yobs,                         &
     &                        OCEAN(ng)%zeta(:,:,KOUT),                 &
#  ifdef MASKING
     &                        GRID(ng)%rmask,                           &
#  endif
     &                        NLmodVal)

In obs_cost.F, the reverse mapping ObsType2State is used as follows:

       DO iobs=NstrObs(ng),NendObs(ng)
         ivar=ObsType2State(ObsType(iobs))                        !<==                                                       
         IF ((           &
    &        (ObsErr(iobs).ne.0.0_r8)) THEN
           cff=ObsScale(iobs)*(NLmodVal(iobs)-ObsVal(iobs))**2/        &
    &          ObsErr(iobs)
         END IF
       END DO
#753 arango Fixed Very IMPORTANT: Corrected initialization of input multi-file options

I tracked a very nasty bug when using the multifile options in iterative algorithms (4D-Var and friends). The multifile NetCDF option is used for open boundaries, climatology, and forcing data. For example, we can have in

    BRYNAME == ../om/ |
               ../om/ |

    CLMNAME == ../om/ |
               ../om/ |


    NFFILES == 8                          ! number of unique forcing files

    FRCNAME == ../om/ |
               ../om/ |
               ../om/ \

               ../om/ |
               ../om/ |
               ../om/ \

               ../om/ |
               ../om/ |
               ../om/ \

               ../om/ |
               ../om/ |
               ../om/ \

               ../om/ |
               ../om/ |
               ../om/ \

               ../om/ |
               ../om/ |
               ../om/ \

               ../om/ |
               ../om/ |
               ../om/ \

               ../om/ |
               ../om/ |

Here, the input data is split into annual NetCDF files.

The problem was the location of close_inp in initial.F, tl_initial.F, rp_initial.F, and ad_initial.F. It needs to be before the call to check_multifile and not after because it erased all the initialization in BRY(:), CLM(:), and FRC(:,:) structure that is essential for processing that appropriate multifile. For example, in tl_initia.F we need to have instead:

!  If applicable, close all input boundary, climatology, and forcing
!  NetCDF files and set associated parameters to the closed state. This
!  step is essential in iterative algorithms that run the full TLM
!  repetitively. Then, Initialize several parameters in their file
!  structure, so the appropriate input single or multi-file is selected
!  during initialization/restart.
      CALL close_inp (ng, iTLM)
      CALL check_multifile (ng, iTLM)
      CALL mp_bcasti (ng, iTLM, exit_flag)
# endif
      IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__,                      &
     &               __FILE__)) RETURN

The call to close_inp is necessary for iterative algorithms that call the nonlinear, tangent, representer, and adjoint models repetitively during a simulation because the input data needs to be processed from start (end) records during forward (backward) time-stepping.

Also, I corrected an out bounds error in routine close_inp of file close_io.F when closing the boundary, climatology, and forcing NetCDF files. For example, we needed to have:

         CALL netcdf_close (ng, model, FRC(i,ng)%ncid,                 &
    &                       FRC(i,ng)%name, .FALSE.)
         IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__,                  &
    &                   __FILE__)) RETURN


         CALL netcdf_close (ng, model, BRY(ng)%ncid,                   &
    &                       BRY(ng)%name, .FALSE.)
         IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__,                  &
    &                   __FILE__)) RETURN


         CALL netcdf_close (ng, model, CLM(ng)%ncid,                   &
    &                       CLM(ng)%name, .FALSE.)
         IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__,                  &
    &                   __FILE__)) RETURN

We need to pass FRC(i,ng)%name, BRY(ng)%name, and CLM(ng)%name arguments to routine netcdf_close.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for bringing this to my attention and helping me to set-up a case that I can follow in the debugger.

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