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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#748 kate Fixed get_wetdry.F missing label 50

There is a format number error in get_wetdry.F:

      IF (INI(ng)%ncid.eq.-1) THEN
        CALL netcdf_open (ng, model, ncname, 1, INI(ng)%ncid)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__,                    &
     &                 __FILE__)) THEN
          WRITE (stdout,50) TRIM(ncname)
        END IF
      END IF

Format label 50 is missing.

get_wetdry.f90(62): error #6052: This label has not been defined as a FORMAT label.   [50]
          WRITE (stdout,50) TRIM(ncname)

#749 arango Done Important: Miscelaneous Update: GLS and standard ouput information

This important update corrects few things and enhances information written to standard output:

  • Corrected a bug in the drivers afte_ocean.h and fte_ocean.h (Finite Time Eigenmodes algorithms). We were getting segmentation violation after the convergence. The work array used to compute the complex eigenvectors was wrong. We need to use SworkR instead of SworkD. For example, we need to have:
                        state(ng)%vector => STORAGE(ng)%Rvector(Is:Ie,i)
                        ad_state(ng)%vector => SworkR(Is:Ie)
    instead of 
                        state(ng)%vector => STORAGE(ng)%Rvector(Is:Ie,i)
                        ad_state(ng)%vector => STORAGE(ng)%SworkD(Is:Ie)
    Many thanks to Andy Moore for bringing this to my attention.
  • Added new module ROMS/Utility/stats.F to compute state field statistics inside a parallel region using routines stats_2dfld and stats_3dfld. Both routines are used to print information from analytical routines (ana_biology, ana_drag, ana_grid, ana_initial, ana_mask, ana_wtype). For example, in the upwelling test case the standard output file now has:
    INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
        ANA_GRID    - x-location of PSI-points: x_psi
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  4.00000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - y-location of PSI-points: y_psi
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  8.00000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - x-location of RHO-points: x_rho
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  5.00000000E+02 Max =  4.05000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - y-location of RHO-points: y_rho
                       (Grid = 01, Min = -5.00000000E+02 Max =  8.05000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - x-location of U-points: x_u
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  4.00000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - y-location of U-points: y_u
                       (Grid = 01, Min = -5.00000000E+02 Max =  8.05000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - x-location of V-points: x_v
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  5.00000000E+02 Max =  4.05000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - y-location of V-points: y_v
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  8.00000000E+04)
        ANA_GRID    - reciprocal XI-grid spacing: pm
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  1.00000000E-03 Max =  1.00000000E-03)
        ANA_GRID    - reciprocal ETA-grid spacing: pn
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  1.00000000E-03 Max =  1.00000000E-03)
        ANA_GRID    - angle between XI-axis and EAST: angler
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  0.00000000E+00)
        ANA_GRID    - Coriolis parameter at RHO-points: f
                       (Grid = 01, Min = -8.26000000E-05 Max = -8.26000000E-05)
        ANA_GRID    - bathymetry at RHO-points: h
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  2.52004887E+01 Max =  1.50000000E+02)
        ANA_INITIAL - vertically integrated u-momentum component: ubar
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  0.00000000E+00)
        ANA_INITIAL - vertically integrated v-momentum component: vbar
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  0.00000000E+00)
        ANA_INITIAL - free-surface: zeta
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  0.00000000E+00)
        ANA_INITIAL - u-momentum component: u
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  0.00000000E+00)
        ANA_INITIAL - v-momentum component: v
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  0.00000000E+00)
        ANA_INITIAL - potential temperature: temp
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  1.45204834E+01 Max =  2.19365219E+01)
        ANA_INITIAL - salinity: salt
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  3.50000000E+01 Max =  3.50000000E+01)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - nitrate concentration: NO3
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  1.67000000E+00 Max =  2.26358685E+00)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - ammonium concentration: NH4
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  1.00000000E-01 Max =  1.00000000E-01)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - chlorophyll concentration: chlorophyll
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  2.00000000E-02 Max =  2.00000000E-02)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - phytoplankton concentration: phytoplankton
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  8.00000000E-02 Max =  8.00000000E-02)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - zooplankton concentration: zooplankton
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  6.00000000E-02 Max =  6.00000000E-02)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - large fraction nitrogen detritus concentration: LdetritusN
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  2.00000000E-02 Max =  2.00000000E-02)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - small fraction nitrogen detritus concentration: SdetritusN
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  4.00000000E-02 Max =  4.00000000E-02)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - large fraction carbon detritus concentration: LdetritusC
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  2.00000000E-03 Max =  2.00000000E-03)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - small fraction carbon detritus concentration: SdetritusC
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  6.00000000E-02 Max =  6.00000000E-02)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - total inorganic carbon: TIC
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  2.10000000E+03 Max =  2.10000000E+03)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - total alkalinity: alkalinity
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  2.35000000E+03 Max =  2.35000000E+03)
        ANA_BIOLOGY - dissolved oxygen concentration: oxygen
                       (Grid = 01, Min =  4.46229362E+02 Max =  4.46229362E+02)
    This information is useful to have. Many thanks to Kate Hedstrom for suggesting this information and Sasha Shchepetkin for his suggestion about the shared-memory interference (race conditions in OpenMP) issues that I was having in stats_2dfld and stats_3dfld.
  • Similarly, statistical information is written to standard output from routines get_grid, get_nudgcoef, and get_wetdry.
    INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
        GET_GRID    - angle between XI-axis and EAST: angle
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  5.38487353E-01 Max =  7.47524111E-01)
        GET_GRID    - ETA-derivative of inverse metric factor pm: dmde
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min = -1.33890089E+00 Max =  2.92981308E-01)
        GET_GRID    - XI-derivative of inverse metric factor pn: dndx
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min = -8.94234719E-01 Max =  2.44594681E-01)
        GET_GRID    - Coriolis parameter at RHO-points: f
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  7.77782704E-05 Max =  1.05954391E-04)
        GET_GRID    - bathymetry at RHO-points: h
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  5.00000000E+00 Max =  5.01558186E+03)
        GET_GRID    - latitude of PSI-points lat_psi
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  3.22838550E+01 Max =  4.65684505E+01)
        GET_GRID    - latitude of RHO-points lat_rho
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  3.22838550E+01 Max =  4.65684505E+01)
        GET_GRID    - latitude of U-points: lat_u
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  3.22596780E+01 Max =  4.65941314E+01)
        GET_GRID    - latitude of V-points: lat_v
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  3.22636115E+01 Max =  4.65856422E+01)
        GET_GRID    - longitude of PSI-points: lon_psi
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min = -8.04626893E+01 Max = -5.97474687E+01)
        GET_GRID    - longitude of RHO-points: lon_rho
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min = -8.04626893E+01 Max = -5.97474687E+01)
        GET_GRID    - longitude of U-points: lon_u
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min = -8.04896326E+01 Max = -5.97260683E+01)
        GET_GRID    - longitude of V-points: lon_v
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min = -8.04917457E+01 Max = -5.97116752E+01)
        GET_GRID    - mask on PSI-points: mask_psi
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  2.00000000E+00)
        GET_GRID    - mask on RHO-points: mask_rho
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  1.00000000E+00)
        GET_GRID    - mask on U-points: mask_u
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  1.00000000E+00)
        GET_GRID    - mask on V-points: mask_v
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  1.00000000E+00)
        GET_GRID    - reciprocal XI-grid spacing: pm
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  1.42195423E-04 Max =  1.45208703E-04)
        GET_GRID    - reciprocal ETA-grid spacing: pn
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  1.42589316E-04 Max =  1.45608589E-04)
        GET_GRID    - x-location of PSI-points: x_psi
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  5.10981935E+07 Max =  5.34016198E+07)
        GET_GRID    - x-location of RHO-points: x-rho
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  5.10919665E+07 Max =  5.34079786E+07)
        GET_GRID    - x-location of U-points: x_u
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  5.10951975E+07 Max =  5.34039995E+07)
        GET_GRID    - x-location of V-points: x_v
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  5.10949626E+07 Max =  5.34055999E+07)
        GET_GRID    - y-location of PSI-points: y-psi
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  6.33431802E+07 Max =  6.54121491E+07)
        GET_GRID    - y-location of RHO-points: y_rho
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  6.33373400E+07 Max =  6.54190868E+07)
        GET_GRID    - y-location of U-points: y_u
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  6.33400007E+07 Max =  6.54163037E+07)
        GET_GRID    - y-location of V-points: y_v
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  6.33405179E+07 Max =  6.54149301E+07)
        GET_GRID    - quadratic bottom drag coefficient: rdrag2
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  3.00000000E-03 Max =  3.00000000E-03)
       GET_NUDGCOEF - potential temperature, inverse nudging coefficients: temp_NudgeCoef
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  3.85802469E-06)
       GET_NUDGCOEF - salinity, inverse nudging coefficients: salt_NudgeCoef
                       (Grid = 01, File: ../Data/
                       (Min =  0.00000000E+00 Max =  3.85802469E-06)
  • Modified several routines to provide more information when an input file is missing from In the past, we use to get the following error:
    Found Error: **   Line: 6565     Source: ROMS/Modules/mod_netcdf.F, netcdf_open
     NETCDF_OPEN - unable to open existing NetCDF file:
                   ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ ... @^@^@
                   call from:  ROMS/Utility/inp_par.F, find_file
    Now, we get better information about the error:
    INP_PAR:FIND_FILE - empty file name string for standard input script
                        KeyWord: TIDENAME
    Found Error: 05   Line: 1396     Source: ROMS/Utility/inp_par.F
    READ_PHYPAR - Grid 01, could not find input file:  Oops unassigned file name.
                                                       Check standard input script...
    Found Error: 04   Line: 5674     Source: ROMS/Utility/read_phypar.F
    Found Error: 04   Line: 139      Source: ROMS/Utility/inp_par.F
    Found Error: 04   Line: 111      Source: ROMS/Drivers/nl_ocean.h
    This information is more useful and tell me that the file name for keyWord TIDENAME is missing from and this input script needs to be updated to the lastest version.
  • Modified several routines, so the diagnostic printed to standard output have identical numbers in serial, serial with partitions, parallel distributed-memory (MPI), and parallel shared-memory (OpenMP) applications. Several of the global parallel reduction CRITICAL sections were updated.
#750 m.hadfield Fixed FRC_FILE set when no forcing file required

The code in lines 659–714 of ROMS/include/globaldefs.h defines the symbol FRC_FILE. Then in lines 5576–5589 of ROMS/Utility/read_phypar.F the model checks for the existence of the file(s) specified by the FRCNAME entry in The globaldefs.h code defines FRC_FILE if, amongst other conditions, either SSH_TIDES or UV_TIDES is set: see line 700 if SOLVE3D is set and line 711 if it is not.

However, tidal parameters are now read from special tidal-forcing files (entry TIDENAME), not from ordinary forcing files as they were previously. The current code fails when tides are required but with no other forcings.

The references in ROMS/include/globaldefs.h to

(defined SSH_TIDES || defined UV_TIDES)

in lines 700 & 711 should be removed.

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