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Results (604 - 606 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#730 arango arango Fixed Important: Corrected bug in dateclock.F

Corrected a bug in module dateclock.F, routine datevec. The date string failed after 2000-02-28 12:30:00:

        12 2000-02-28 12:30:00.00  1.288030E-06  1.954312E+04  1.954312E+04  1.659839E+17
                      (001,06,01)  1.690266E-06  1.090592E-05  2.506269E-04  5.449963E-02
        13 1999-03-** 12:32:30.00  1.462197E-06  1.954312E+04  1.954312E+04  1.659839E+17
                      (001,06,01)  1.966928E-06  1.180089E-05  2.717118E-04  5.675077E-02
        14 1999-03-** 12:35:00.00  1.632312E-06  1.954312E+04  1.954312E+04  1.659839E+17
                      (001,06,01)  2.265510E-06  1.270431E-05  2.934621E-04  5.892863E-02

It looked like a Y2K bug but it was not a Y2K bug type problem. I have an error at the transition between the end of February (28 or 29) and Mar 1 which is the numerical start of esch uear in the Proleptic Calendaras coded in ROMS. Numerically, it is easier to start each year on March 1 and then adjust for leap year or not.

After the correction, I now get the correct date/clock string:

        12 2000-02-28 00:30:00.00  1.288030E-06  1.954312E+04  1.954312E+04  1.659839E+17
                      (001,06,01)  1.690266E-06  1.090592E-05  2.506269E-04  5.449963E-02
        13 2000-02-28 00:32:30.00  1.462197E-06  1.954312E+04  1.954312E+04  1.659839E+17
                      (001,06,01)  1.966928E-06  1.180089E-05  2.717118E-04  5.675077E-02
        14 2000-02-28 00:35:00.00  1.632312E-06  1.954312E+04  1.954312E+04  1.659839E+17
                      (001,06,01)  2.265510E-06  1.270431E-05  2.934621E-04  5.892863E-02 

Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for bringing this to my attention.

#732 arango Fixed Important: Corrected bug in obs_write,F when using BGQC
  • A bug was corrected in routine obs_write.F to remove global reduction operation for BgThresh. The following statement:
              CALL mp_collect (ng, model, Ncollect, IniVal,                 &
    #    if defined WEAK_CONSTRAINT
         &                     BgThresh(Mstr:))
    #    else
         &                     BgThresh)
    #    endif
    is not needed since BgRhresh does no depend on tile partition. Actually, if we make this call its final values are target values times the number of MPI node used because of reduction summation.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for bringing this to my attention.

  • I also fixed a typo in tl_pre_step3d.F and rp_pre_step3d.F in the commented nonlinear code.
  • Added date string reporting in routines obs_read.F and ad_htobs.F.
#733 arango Done Hypoxia Simple Respiration Model

Added the Hypoxia Simple Respiration Model. It can be activated with CPP option HYPOXIA_SRM. It needs total respiration rate as input that can be read from a forcing NetCDF file or can be set with analytical functions (ANA_RESPIRATION) in ana_respiration.h.

The Metadata for respiration rate is as follows:

        double respiration_time(respiration_time) ;
                respiration_time:long_name = "respiration date time" ;
                respiration_time:units = "days since 1992-01-01 00:00:00" ;
        double respiration(respiration_time, s_rho, eta_rho, xi_rho) ;
                respiration:long_name = "respiration rate" ;
                respiration:units = "day-1" ;
                respiration:time = "respiration_time" ;

You can set respiration to zero in places with no respiration like very deep water. Recall that hypoxia occurs in coastal and shallow waters, like estuaries. Use frc_respiration.cdl as a guideline to create input NetCDF file for respiration. It can have time records. If this is the case, ROMS will interpolate in time between snapshots.

The model code follows ROMS design and is added as include files:


The input parameters are specified in

CPP Options:

  • ANA_RESPIRATION: use analytical respiration rate. If not activated, it will read from input forcing NetCDF file (see Data/ROMS/CDL/frc_respiration.cdl for metadata).
  • HYPOXIA_SRM: use to activate this Hypoxia Simple Respiration Model.
  • OCMIP_OXYGEN_SC: use Schmidt number from Keeling et al. (1998) to compute surface dissolved oxygen. Otherwise, use Schmidt number from Wanninkhof (1992). This option needs to be used in conjunction with SURFACE_DO_SATURATION.
  • SURFACE_DO_SATURATION: use surface dissolved oxygen saturation at the model surface level instead of a surface dissolved oxygen flux.


Scully, M.E., 2010: Wind Modulation of Dissolved Oxygen in the Chesapeake Bay, Estuaries and Coasts, 33, 1164-1175.

Scully, M.E., 2013: Physical control on hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: A numerical modeling study, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1239-1256.

The original model was written by Malcolm Scully. It was adapted to follow ROMS design and ecological models numerical algorithms. Many thanks to Marjy Friedrichs, Aaron Bever, John Wilkin, and others for helping debug and test this model.

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