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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#709 arango arango Done NADJ paramerter and 4D-Var dual formulation

It had come to my attention that some users set NADJ in to a large number to trigger strong constraint in 4D-Var dual formulation alogorithms (W4DPSAS or W4DVAR). Well, this is not a good idea because the algorithms will become unstable.

In the dual formulation, we need to set NADJ to NTIMES for strong constraint or to an exact multiple of NTIMES for weak constraint. For example, in we can have:

      NTIMES == 192
        NADJ == 48                              ! weak constraint
        NADJ == 192                             ! strong constraint

In the primal formulation (IS4DVAR), you can put any number for NADJ because it is over-written internally in read_phypar.F:

#if defined IS4DVAR
!  If strong constraint, write only final adjoint solution since only
!  we are estimating initial conditions.

To avoid similar problems in the future, a safeguard is added in read_phypar.F for the dual formulation:

#if defined W4DPSAS || defined W4DVAR
!  If dual formulation and strong constraint, limit writing the adjoint
!  solution to the end of time-stepping.
        IF (nADJ(ng).gt.ntimes(ng)) THEN
        END IF
#710 arango arango Done Important: minor update to 4D-Var algorithms

This is a minor update to the 4D-Var algorithms:

  • The routines load_ADtoTL_tile and load_TLtoAD_tile in ini_adjust.F were updated to include the multiplication by the land/sea masking before manipulating the adjoint and tangent linear solutions, respectively. This is done to suppress a leak from the land/sea boundaries into the interior solution when the horizontal convolutions are applied. This is needed for W4DPSAS with RPCG to give the same solutions as I4DVAR. Many thanks to Andy Moore for bringing this to my attention.
  • Added the missing arguments to several routines called in normalization.F when the option GEOPOTENTIAL_HCONV is activated. The horizontal convolution of the error covariance along geopotential is experimental and not fully tested. Please avoid using this option for now until we advise its usage.
  • Added logic in read_asspar.F to make sure that Lprecond is false in input script for the dual formulation 4D-Var drivers (W4D-PSAS and W4D-Var) when the RBLanczos minimization (RPCG) is activated.
#711 arango arango Fixed Updated 4D-Var observation impact and sensitivity

In the past, the observation impact/sensitivity in the 4D-Var dual formulation algorithms (W4D-PSAS, W4D-VAR) was restricted for a single outer loop (Nouter = 1) because the minimization solvers are very tricky for multiple outer loops. In src:ticket:702 4D-Var major update, we added the new Restricted B-preconditioned Lanczos (RBLanczos) solver by Gurol et al. (2014). The RBLanczos solver (rpcg_lanczos.F) included the augmented terms so we can run over multiple outer loops.

Still, the observations impact/sensitivity requires particular care in multiple outer loops applications (say, Nouter = 2). We require running separately each outer loop to compute the desired observation impact or sensitivity.

For example, we need to run first the regular W4D-PSAS assimilation cycle and save all the output files. Then, run the observation impact/sensitivity by activating W4DPSAS_SENSITIVITY and SKIP_NLM. Notice that the nonlinear model (NLM) forward trajectory is not computed (since SKIP_NLM is activatted) but read from the regular data assimilation run. That is, we read files *, *, and so on. We need to specify wich outer loop is beeing processed for the observation impact/sensitivity by setting Nimpact in to its sppropriate outer loop value.

This update simplifies the running of observation impact/sensitivities in multiple outer loop applications:

  • Added new parameter Nimpact in 4D-Var input script
    ! If observations impact or observations sensitivity, set the 4D-Var
    ! outer loop to process. It must be less or equal that Nouter.
             Nimpact = 1

It specifies the outer loop to consider in the computation of the observations impact or observation sensitivity, Nimpact =< Nouter. The observation analysis needs to be computed separately for each outer loop. The full analysis for all outer loops is combined offline.

  • The computation of the observation screening and quality control flag (obs_scale NetCDF output variable and ObsScale ROMS variable) was redesigned so it is computed and written just once to facilitate the background quality control (BGQC) option. A new working variable ObsVetting is introduced and passed to the extraction routines (extract_obs*d and ad_extract_obs*d) to avoid the continuous rewriting of the important ObsScale variable that is used elsewhere. In obs_write.F, we now have:
    !  If processing nonlinear trajectory, load observation reject/accept
    !  flag into screening variable.  This needs to be done once and
    !  controlled by the main driver. Notice that in routine "extract_obs"
    !  the observations are only accepted if they are at the appropriate
    !  time window and grid bounded at water points.
            IF (wrtObsScale(ng).and.wrtNLmod(ng)) THEN
              DO iobs=Mstr,Mend
              END DO
            END IF
    A new logical switch wrtObsScale(:) is introduced to control when to process the ObsScale variable in ROMS. This is done during the first pass to the nonlinear model when computing the background trajectory and interpolating the solution to the observation locations.
  • If the background quality control (BGQC) is activated, it is done after loading the screening values in ObsScale and also computed once in obs_write.F:
    # if defined BGQC && !defined IS4DVAR_SENSITIVITY
    !  Perform the background quality control: check and reject observations
    !  that fail. Only observations that are bounded in time and space 
    !  (ObsScale .ne. 0) are considered.
            IF (wrtObsScale(ng).and.wrtNLmod(ng)) THEN
              DO iobs=Mstr,Mend
                IF (ObsScale(iobs).ne.IniVal) THEN
    #  if defined IS4DVAR
    #  elif defined WEAK_CONSTRAINT
    #    ifdef W4DVAR
    #    else
    #    endif
    #  endif
                  IF (df1* THEN
                  END IF
                END IF
              END DO
            END IF
    # endif
    This fixes the problem of running observations impact/sensitivity when the BGQC is activated over multiple outer loops. Before, we were getting zero impacts because the continuous internal manipulation of the ObsScale variable when running the adjoint and tangent linear models.
  • Added reading the obs_scale variable from input NetCDF in the observation impact/sensitivity drivers:
    #ifdef SKIP_NLM
    !  If skiping runing nonlinear model, read in observation screening and
    !  quality control flag.
          DO ng=1,Ngrids
            CALL netcdf_get_fvar (ng, iTLM, LCZ(ng)%name, Vname(1,idObsS),  &
         &                        ObsScale)
            IF ( RETURN
          END DO
    This allows computing observation impact/sensitivity for each outer loop separately since we cannot recompute it by running the nonlinear model. Recall that we need SKIP_NLM activated for the multiple outer loop applications.


The computation of the 4D-Var observations impact or sensitivity are complex and requires expertise in setting the impact/sensitivity functional, running the application, and post-processing the results.

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