Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (544 - 546 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#659 arango arango Done Corrected bug in set_contact.F
  • Corrected a bug in set_contact.F when using WET_DRY. The variables Rcontact(cr) % Lweight, Ucontact(cr) % Lweight, Vcontact(cr) % Lweight needed to be initialized to their respective unmasked values (Lweight), even if WET_DRY is activated. The horizontal interpolation weights are rescaled in mask_hweights for the wet/dry cells. However, the horizontal weights need to be initialized in the permanent wet cells, which were not when WET_DRY is activated. Similar initialization is needed for the quadratic interpolation weights: Rcontact(cr) % Qweight, Ucontact(cr) % Qweight, Vcontact(cr) % Qweight. Many thanks to John Warner for bringing this to my attention.
  • Corrected spelling of FORWARD_MIXING in mod_mixing.F when initializing mixing coefficients AkvG and AktG:
    #if defined FORWARD_READ && defined FORWARD_MIXING && defined SOLVE3D && \
        (defined TANGENT || defined TL_IOMS || defined ADJOINT)
    Many thanks to Gordon Zhang for reporting this typo.
#661 arango m.hadfield Fixed Lake Jersey non-nested simulation: minor errors in input file

There are a couple of errors in test/lake_jersey/Forward/ the paths of the varinfo.dat and grid and initial conditions files are incorrect.

A corrected version is attached.

#662 arango kate Fixed LMD_SHAPIRO problem

In lmd_skpp.F and lmd_bkpp.F, there is a clamp applied to the boundary layer depth:


This happens before the Shapiro filter (LMD_SHAPIRO) is applied (if it is applied). It also needs to happen after the filter.

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