Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#61 arango arango Done NEMURO model

I was asked several months ago to include the NEMURO lower trophic level ecosystem model into ROMS. I took a look at this model and decided to code it completely from scratch using the same numerical scheme of other existing biological models in ROMS. The compartment being consumed is treated implicit to guarantee conservation, a positive definite and unconditionally stable algorithm.

This model can be activate NEMURO cpp option.

Please, do not use this model yet. It now goes to the beta-testers.

#65 arango arango Fixed makefile library access

There is a problem in the makefile and the application-dependent compilation options from file This one is a little bit tricky and affects the order of configuration files included in the makefile. It turns out that the file needs to be included first before the dependencies are generated and included. This implies that the application-dependent CPP flags need to be set-up earlier because they are needed to create configuration file

#66 arango arango Fixed 4DVAR surface forcing minimization

There are several bugs in the implementation of 4DVAR surface forcing minimization which is activated with ADJUST_STFLUX and ADJUST_WSTRESS.

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