Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (523 - 525 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#634 arango arango Fixed Corrected Matlab script d_ecmwf2roms.m

Corrected coupled of bugs in Matlab script ecmwf2roms.m. Many thanks to those reporting this problem in the forum

#635 arango arango Fixed Corrected coarse2fine.m and fine2coarse.m Matlab scripts

The nesting Matlab scripts coarse2fine.m and fine2coase.m need to define the field uniform in their structures F and C, respectively. This field is needed in grid_metrics.m when computing the inverse metric derivatives dndx and dmde.

Many thanks to John Warner for reporting this problem.

#636 arango arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Corrected bug in nesting.F

Corrected bugs in the arguments to the exchange routines in nesting.F. Around line 2318 we need to have instead:

              CALL exchange_v2d_tile (rg, tile,                         &
     &                                LBiR, UBiR, LBjR, UBjR,           &
     &                                OCEAN(rg)%vbar(:,:,k))

and around line 2360 we need to have instead:

          CALL mp_exchange3d (rg, tile, model, 2,                       &
     &                        LBiR, UBiR, LBjR, UBjR, 1, N(rg),         &
     &                        NghostPoints,                             &
     &                        EWperiodic(rg), NSperiodic(rg),           &
     &                        OCEAN(rg)%u(:,:,:,nstp(rg)),              &
     &                        OCEAN(rg)%v(:,:,:,nstp(rg)))

Many thanks to Luz Garcia for reporting these typos. The first bug is only relevant in periodic applications where as the second bug affected distributed-memory applications.

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