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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#610 arango arango Done IMPORTANT: Updated input multi-file capabities

Multi-files are allowed in ROMS for several input fields. That is, the time records for a particular input field can be split into several NetCDF files. For example, we can have in

     BRYNAME == ../../Data/g/ |
                ../../Data/g/ |
                ../../Data/g/ |
                ../../Data/g/ |
                ../../Data/g/ |
                ../../Data/g/ |

     NFFILES == 9                          ! number of unique forcing files

     FRCNAME == ../../Data/Forcing/    \
                ../../Data/Forcing/ \
                ../../Data/Forcing/ \
                ../../Data/Forcing/  \
                ../../Data/g/            \
                ../../Data/g/         \
                ../../Data/g/         \
                ../../Data/g/          \
                ../../Data/g/     |
                ../../Data/g/     |
                ../../Data/g/     |
                ../../Data/g/     |
                ../../Data/g/     |
                ../../Data/g/     |

The multi-file strategy is useful when splitting input data (climatology, boundary, forcing) time records into several files (say monthly, annual, etc). In this case, each multiple file entry line needs to be ended by the vertical bar (|) symbol, as shown above.

In the past, we needed to start the multi-file list with the file that includes or contains the initialization time. This is kind of problematic when restarting the model in a different time period not contained in the first file on the list.

A new routine, check_multifile.F, is introduced to initialize several parameters in the file information structures (BRY, CLM, FRC) so the appropriate file is selected during initialization or restart regardless of the file list. There is no need to edit, if restarting on a different time period.

I also included logic in routine lbc_report to check how the user sets periodic boundary conditions. Periodic boundary conditions involve two opposite boundary edges: western and eastern edges for west-east periodic boundary conditions and northern and southern edges for north-south periodic boundary conditions. Recently, a user reported in the forum setting south-east periodic boundary conditions, which is completely wrong.

#611 arango arango Done Updated ROMS plotting package

I updated the ROMS plotting package to write out the minimum and maximum values of the primary an secondary (overlay) fields.

The above figure shows a snapshot of the free-surface and barotropic currents. Notice that the range of values for both fields are written on the bottom left corner of the plot for the primary (free-surface) and secondary overlay (barotropic currents) fields.

The user can control the writing of the field statistics in the input scripts, see parameter WRTRANG:

F     PLTLOGO: logical switch Logo.
F     WRTHDR : logical switch to write out the plot header titles.
T     WRTBLAB: logical switch to write out the plot bottom title.
T T   WRTRANG: logical switch to write out data/overlay range values and CI.
F     WRTFNAM: logical switch to write out input primary filename.
F     WRTDATE: logical switch to write out current date.
#612 arango arango Fixed Corrected potential density availability

The potential density is computed always now it is and not subject to CPP options. In the equation of state, rho_eos.F, we used to have:

        DO k=1,N(ng)
          DO i=IstrT,IendT
#  if defined LMD_SKPP || defined LMD_BKPP || defined DIAGNOSTICS
#   ifdef MASKING
#   endif
#  endif
          END DO
        END DO

The conditional CPP statement used to compute pden is now removed. This will fix the weird values that some users were getting for potential vorticity when none of the above CPP were activated. Many thanks to Deepak Cherian for bringing this to my attention.

The obs_provenance variable was missing from the metadata file varinfo.dat. This explains the segmentation violation that some of you where getting when using the 4D-Var algorithm. I was able to reproduce this behavior when updated to a new compiler version. It is amazing what some compilers assume internally nowadays.

I also corrected some formatted statements for standard output. The recommended relationship between field width W and the number of fractional digits D in the format descriptor is W>=D+7. I was using D+6 for positive number (which is correct). Anyway, this change removes all compiling warnings.

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