Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (487 - 489 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#597 arango arango Done Miscellaneous updates

This ticket include three updates to the source code:

  • nesting.F: Changed how the mass flux is imposed at the finer grid boundary during refinement. The latest coarse grid mass flux is imposed such that the sum of the refined grid fluxes equals the coarse grid flux.
  • nemuro_inp.h: Corrected typo when reporting the large phytoplankton mortality rate (MorPLO). Many thanks to Chris Edwards for bringing this to my attention.
  • w4dpsas_ocean.h: Corrected END DO statement around line 1026.
#598 arango m.hadfield Fixed Reference to undefined netCDF constant

In matlab/netcdf/nc_check.m at line 57, there is a reference to nc_int. This should be nc_constant('nc_int'):

  I.Variables(index).ncType     = nc_constant('nc_int');
#599 arango arango Done Updated few Matlab scripts

Several Matlab scripts were updated to process 4D-Var observations. The d_sst_obs.m and load_sst_pfeg.m were updated to use various NOAA CoastWatch SST products. The load_sst_pfeg.m also have the option to use the native NetCDF interface to process the OpenDAP files.

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