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Results (469 - 471 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#579 arango arango Fixed Corrected logic about tl_LBC

Moved the computation of the tl_LBC logical switches from read_phypar.F to inp_par.F to allow the processing of biology and sediment tracers. We need to delay the initialization of these switches because read_BioPar or read_SedPar needs to be called first. In inp_par.F we now have:

#if defined TANGENT || defined TL_IOMS
!  Set lateral boundary condition switches for the tangent linear
!  models (TLM and RPM) to the same values as the adjoint model.
        DO ivar=1,nLBCvar
          DO i=1,4
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%acquire  =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%acquire
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%Chapman  =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%Chapman
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%clamped  =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%clamped
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%closed   =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%closed
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%Flather  =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%Flather
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%gradient =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%gradient
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%nested   =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%nested
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%nudging  =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%nudging
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%periodic =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%periodic
            tl_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%reduced  =ad_LBC(i,ivar,ng)%reduced
          END DO
        END DO

Many thanks to Ha Joon Song for reporting this bug.

I also updated the makefile configuration file to avoid warning errors from newer versions of the ifort compiler:

We need to have:

           FFLAGS := -heap-arrays -fp-model source

instead of

           FFLAGS := -heap-arrays -fp-model precise

for Fortran compiling. The precise argument is redundant.

#580 arango arango Done Metadata for all tracers climatology

The climatology tracer (active and passive) metadata is now computed internally in mod_ncparam.F:

      DO i=1,MT
        IF ( THEN
          WRITE (stdout,60) MV, varid
        END IF
        DO ng=1,Ngrids
        END DO
        WRITE (Vname(1,varid),'(a)')                                    &
     &        TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(1,idTvar(i))))
        WRITE (Vname(2,varid),'(a,a)')                                  &
     &        TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(2,idTvar(i)))), ' climatology'
        WRITE (Vname(3,varid),'(a)')                                    &
     &        TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(3,idTvar(i))))
        WRITE (Vname(4,varid),'(a,a)')                                  &
     &        TRIM(Vname(1,varid)), ', scalar, series'
        WRITE (Vname(5,varid),'(a,a)')                                  &
     &        TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(1,idTvar(i)))), '_time'
      END DO

Notice that:

  • NetCDF variable name, Vname(1,:), is the same as the basic ROMS state tracer metadata.
  • Units, Vname(3,:), are the same as the basic ROMS state tracer data.
  • Default time attribute, Vname(5,:), is the same as the variable name but with the _time suffix. For example, temp_time, salt_time, and so on. Recall that other time-variables names are allowed provided that the input NetCDF variable has the "time" attribute with the appropriate value.
  • The following lines are removed from metadata file varinfo.dat because they are not longer needed:
    'temp'                                             ! Input
      'potential temperature climatology'
      'Celsius'                                        ! [Celsius]
      'temp, scalar, series'
    'salt'                                             ! Input
      'salinity climatology'
      'nondimensional'                                 ! [PSU]
      'salt, scalar, series'

I forgot to update the metadata when I updated the tracer climatology logic in src:ticket:569. Many thanks to Jiang-peng Liang for bringing this to my attention.

I corrected the format number in various ecosystem *_inp.h files when reporting the LtracerCLM switches. Thanks again to Jiang-peng Liang for reporting this typo.

#581 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in the adjoint of the NPZD models

A small bug was corrected in ad_npzd_Franks.h, ad_npzd_powell.h, and ad_npzd_iron.h when updating the global biological tracers:

We need to have:

instead of

We need to use ad_cff and not add_cff. Many thanks to Ha Joon Song for reporting this typo.

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