Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (466 - 468 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#576 arango arango Done Updated Copyright 2002-2013

Updated the ROMS/TOMS Copyright to all algorithms:

  Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ROMS/TOMS Group
     Licensed under a MIT/X style license
     See License_ROMS.txt
#577 arango arango Fixed Fixed copyright scripts for Mac OS

The and copyright.bash were failing on the Macs due to the syntax for sed. We need to add the -e argument so now we have:

if ( $verb == 1 ) then
  grep -l "${search}" $FILE && sed -i -e "s|${search}|${replace}|g" $FILE
  grep -l "${search}" $FILE > /dev/null && sed -i -e "s|${search}|${replace}|g" $FILE

Many thanks to Dave Robertson for fixing these scripts. They now work on both Unix and Mac operating systems.

#578 arango arango Fixed Updated data processing files

Updated the reporting record format from i4.4 to i7.7 in all the input data processing routines: get_ngfld.F, get_ngfldr.F, get_2dfld.F, get_2dfldr.F, get_3dfld.F, and get_3dfldr.F. This will increases the total number of records in a NetCDF file to 9,999,999. I hope that nobody use more than 10 million records in a single NetCDF file!

I also corrected the CPP logic for STOCH_OPT_WHITE in checkdefs.F.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.