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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#552 arango arango Done IMPORTANT: OpenMP shared-memory directives Revisited

This update includes a full revision of ROMS shared-memory pragma directives using OpenMP standard. This is a very important and delicate update that requires expertise. Luckly, I doubth that will affect your customized code.

All the parallel loops of ROMS are modified to simpler directives. For example, the old strategy:

!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(thread,subs,tile) SHARED(numthreads)
            DO thread=0,numthreads-1
              DO tile=subs*thread,subs*(thread+1)-1,+1
              END DO
            END DO

is replaced with:

            DO tile=first_tile(ng),last_tile(ng),+1
            END DO

In shared-memory, the parallel threads are spawn in the higher calling routines (drivers). For example, we now have:

      CALL main3d (RunInterval)

This directive is less restrictive and allows MASTER, BARRIER, and other useful OpenMP pragmas inside the parallel regions. If you are interested, please see the following discussion in the Forum.

This change cleans the code and facilitates parallelization of tricky algorithms for nesting, MPDATA, random number generation, point-sources, etc using the shared-memory paradigm.


  • The values of NtileX(ng) and NtileE(ng) are no longer equal to one in distributed-memory (MPI). They have the same values as the ones specified in standard input: NtileI(ng) and NtileJ(ng). Notice that in the critical regions for global reduction operations, we now use the following code instead:
    #ifdef DISTRIBUTE
          NSUB=1                             ! distributed-memory
          IF (DOMAIN(ng)%SouthWest_Corner(tile).and.                        &
         &    DOMAIN(ng)%NorthEast_Corner(tile)) THEN
            NSUB=1                           ! non-tiled application
            NSUB=NtileX(ng)*NtileE(ng)       ! tiled application
          END IF
    That is, we do a special exception for distribute-memory cases. This change is necessary in your customized versions of ana_grid.h and ana_psource.h.
  • Notice that we no longer use the TILE (uppercase) as argument to the kernel routines. We use tile (lowercase) instead. This was important in previous versions of the distributed-memory code where TILE was replaced with MyRank during C-preprocessing. Be careful with this one...
  • Notice that few important variables in mod_scalars.F and mod_stepping.F use the THREADPRIVATE directive in shared-memory applications so all the parallel threads have a private copy of such variables to avoid parallel collisions.
  • Two new variables (first_tile(ng) and last_tile(ng)) are introduced to specify the tile range in each parallel region:
          integer, allocatable :: first_tile(:)
          integer, allocatable :: last_tile(:)
    !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (first_tile, last_tile)
    These variables are set during the initialization of ROMS kernel using:
    #if defined _OPENMP
    #elif defined DISTRIBUTE
          DO ng=1,Ngrids
            last_tile (ng)=first_tile(ng)+chunk_size-1
          END DO

Many thanks to Sasha shchepetkin for suggesting this strategy. Also many thanks to Mark Hadfield for his persistence and testing.

#553 arango arango Done Added biological behavior to Langrangian Drifters: Oyster Model

A new option FLOAT_OYSTER has been added to model the swimming, sinking, and settlement of planktonic oyster larvae. This development includes the infrastructure to add different behaviors to the Lagrangian drifters (FLOATS). The design is similar to that of the ecosystem models in ROMS and includes several header files, as described below. This option is under the umbrella of internal C-preprocessing flag FLOAT_BIOLOGY, which is defined in globaldefs.h.

The biological behavior for the floats is achieved by interpolating additional variables using interp_floats in step_floats.F and then calling biology_floats in the predictor and corrector steps:

!  Compute biological float behavior, corrector step.
      CALL biology_floats (ng, Lstr, Lend, .FALSE., my_thread)
# endif

The planktonic behavior is based on the model of Dekshenieks et al. (1993; 1996; 1997). It calculates the size (length) and development of oyster larvae. This model was implement in ROMS with the help of Diego Narvaez as part of his Ph.D. dissertation. Many thanks to John Klinck for his suggestions about the numerical implementation using the predictor/corrector scheme of the floats. Results about this oyster model can be found in Narvaez et al. 2012 a,b (J. Mar. Res., in review).

This model includes the following files:

  • ROMS/Modules/mod_behavior.F: module declaring all the biological behavior model internal parameters.
          MODULE mod_behavior
    #if defined FLOATS && defined FLOAT_BIOLOGY
    # if defined FLOAT_OYSTER
    #  include <oyster_floats_mod.h>
    # endif
          END MODULE mod_behavior
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/biology_floats.F: Lagrangian drifters behavior model driver.
          MODULE biology_floats_mod
    #if defined NONLINEAR && defined FLOATS && defined FLOAT_BIOLOGY
          implicit none
          PUBLIC  :: biology_floats
    # ifdef FLOAT_OYSTER
    #  include <oyster_floats.h>
    # endif
          END MODULE biology_floats_mod
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/oyster_floats.h: planktonic oyster larvae model using Lagrangian particles.
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/oyster_floats_mod.h: oyster model declaration and allocation of internal parameters.
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/oyster_floats_inp.h: code to read input model parameters which is included read_fltbiopar.F.
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/oyster_floats_def.h: code to define input oyster model parameters in all output NetCDF files which is included in ROMS/Utility/def_info.F.
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology/oyster_floats_wrt.h: code to write out input model parameters in all output NetCDF files which is included in ROMS/Utility/wrt_info.F.
  • ROMS/External/ oyster model standard input parameters.
  • ROMS/Utility/read_fltbiopar.F: routine to read floats biological behavior parameters.
    #include "cppdefs.h"
    #if defined FLOATS && defined FLOAT_BIOLOGY
    # if defined FLOAT_OYSTER
    #  include <oyster_floats_inp.h>
    # endif
          SUBROUTINE read_FltBioPar
          END SUBROUTINE read_FltBioPar


  • Mostly all the floats parameter are moved from mod_scalars.F to mod_floats.F. I think that it is better to have everything in a single module.
  • All the header files (*.h) above are included within <...> to allow the user to customize any of them in the project directory while keeping the distributed code intact (check the build script for details).
  • All the floats input scripts (floats_*.in) have two new keyword entries: A switch Fprint to control the printing of floats initial positions to standard out file. It can be used to turn off the printing of information when thousands of floats are released. This information is still in output floats NetCDF file.
          Fprint == T
    And the float's behavior model input script file name:
         FBIONAM =
  • Currently, the oyster model assumes constant food (mg Carbon/l) and turbidity (g/l). This can be changed in the future with spatial and temporal variability for either food and turbidity. If this is the case, we need to have something like:
              IF (Predictor) THEN
              END IF
    in oyster_floats.h. The food variability may be from data, ecosystem model, or analytical functions. Similarly, the turbidity may be from data, sediment model, or analytical functions.
  • A new script ROMS/External/ was added to test the oyster model in the UPWELLING example.
  • Notice that includes three look tables to: (i) compute larvae swimming speed as a function of larvae size and temperature, (ii) larvae growth rate factor as function of salinity and temperature, and (iii) larvae growth rate as function of food supply and larvae size. I recommend extreme caution when editing this part of the input script. Otherwise, ROMS may read these value incorrectly!!!

This capability illustrates how the biological behavior kernel can be implemented in ROMS floats. It is up to the user to validate and test their own customized behavior models.

Good luck...

#554 arango arango Done Added capability for partial lateral boundaries

Updated the lateral boundary conditions routines to allow partial boundary conditions in nesting applications. The switch LBC_apply is introduced to specify which boundary point is set in the lateral boundary routines. It is declared in mod_boundary.F:

        TYPE T_APPLY
          logical, pointer :: west(:)
          logical, pointer :: east(:)
          logical, pointer :: south(:)
          logical, pointer :: north(:)
        END TYPE

        TYPE (T_APPLY), allocatable :: LBC_apply(:)

These switches are set to TRUE by default. However in composite grids, the points processed by nesting are set to FALSE to allow mixed boundary conditions along the grid edges.

For example, in zetabc.F, we now have:

!  Western edge, gradient boundary condition.
        ELSE IF (LBC(iwest,isFsur,ng)%gradient) THEN
          DO j=Jstr,Jend
            IF (LBC_apply(ng)%west(j)) THEN
#ifdef MASKING
              zeta(Istr-1,j,kout)=zeta(Istr-1,j,kout)*                  &
     &                            GRID(ng)%rmask(Istr-1,j)
            END IF
          END DO

Updated distribute.F to allow mp_collect to process integer data. Now we have the following interface:

      INTERFACE mp_collect
        MODULE PROCEDURE mp_collect_f
        MODULE PROCEDURE mp_collect_i
      END INTERFACE mp_collect

where mp_collect_f is for floating-point data and mp_collect_i is for integer data. However, we still use mp_collect globally. The interface selects the appropriate internal routine according to the dummy arguments.

I reorganized the indices of the code profiling regions in mp_exchange.F to include the regions for nesting computations. See mod_strings.F for details. Notice that the documentation in mod_strings.F was improved to easily see the profiling regions numbers and associated text.

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