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Results (433 - 435 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#542 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in wrt_his.F in 2D applications

Corrected couple of bug in wrt_his.F introduced recently with the output of eastward and northward velocity components. This only affect 2D applications (shallow water). The use of module uv_rotate2d was included in the wrong place of the CPP directives. We need to have instead:

      USE uv_rotate_mod, ONLY : uv_rotate2d
#ifdef SOLVE3D
      USE uv_rotate_mod, ONLY : uv_rotate3d

outside of another SOLVE3D loop directives.

Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for bringing this to my attention.

#543 arango arango Done Updated makefile and BIO_TOY input NetCDF files

In ticket src:ticket:541, the makefile was updated to include cyclic dependencies on the modules target by including ROMS/Nonlinear twice. This solve the issues about the problems that a particular user was having and we were not able to reproduce. However, this added a lot of warnings during compilations:

ROMS/Nonlinear/ warning: overriding commands for target `/Users/arango/ocean/repository/test/upwelling/Build/libNLM.a'
ROMS/Nonlinear/ warning: ignoring old commands for target `/Users/arango/ocean/repository/test/upwelling/Build/libNLM.a'

Many users are panicking about this and always like the clean compilation. Therefore, we are reserving the cycling change in the makefile. We need to look for alternative solution.

I also updated all the input NetCDF file for BIO_TOY in the code repository directories Data/ROMS/* to agree with the files in the test repository:

Many thanks to John Wilkin for bringing this to my attention.

#544 arango arango Done Moved uv_rotate.F to ROMS/Utility

We continue having problems with the dependency of module uv_rotate with routines in the ROMS/Utility directory. The only choice that we have is to move uv_rotate.F from ROMS/Nonlinear to ROMS/Utility.

Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for providing a reasonable explanation why this is happening.

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