Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#45 arango rsignell Fixed problem with link to "Hernan's handwritten notes" on ROMS web page

There is a problem with the link to "Hernan's handwritten notes" on the ROMS web page

#46 arango arango Fixed Allocation of Ritz variable

There is still an error in the allocation of the Ritz variable in mod_fourdvar.F.

#47 arango arango Fixed NetCDF F90 interface

Currently, ROMS uses the F77 interface of the NetCDF library. I am changing the IO structure to use the F90 interface instead. The F90 NetCDF library is compact and allows error checking during compilation due to the strong typing properties of modules. This is the first stage on the development of parallel IO with the new 4.x version of the NetCDF library. A beta-version of this library was distributed at the end of April 2007. For more information about NetCDF 4.x check:

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