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Results (415 - 417 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#521 arango arango Done Checking lateral boundary condiditions during restart

All the lateral boundary conditions C-preprocessing options were removed and replaced in ROMS 3.6 with logical switches that are specified in standard input scripts. Currently, the only mechanism available for checking the lateral boundary conditions for consistency, in a particular application, is to decode the NetCDF global attribute NLM_LBC in the restart file. This is only possible with NetCDF files generated by ROMS 3.6 or higher. See release notes for more information.

The decoding of NLM_LBC global attribute is a little bit tricky and a problem was reported in the forum. I have not being able to reproduce this problem. However, this update makes the process more robust:

  • The routine lbc_getatt was modified to initialize all the local character variables. The hope here is to avoid undesired characters in the native initialization by the compiler in a particular computer operating system. New logic is added to process the last variable entry in the global attribute.
  • A new C-preprocessing option NO_LBC_ATT is introduced to avoid checking the lateral boundary conditions NetCDF global attribute NLM_LBC during restart in routine get_state.F. This will facilitate users to restart applications with files generated with older version of the code. It is the user RESPONSIBILITY to check the lateral boundary conditions specified in input scripts for consistency when the option NO_LBC_ATT is activated.
#522 arango arango Fixed Corrected stiffness.F for 2D applications

The routine stiffness.F were operating on local variables my_rx0 and my_rx1 without being assigned in 2D applications. These variables are only relevant in 3D applications. A logic is provided to solve this problem in 2D applications.

Many thanks to Daijiro Kobashi for bringing this problem to my attention.

#523 arango arango Done Uptated matlab/4dvar scripts

I updated several of the 4D-Var Matlab processing scripts:

  • obs_ijpos.m: added additional arguments Ioffset and Joffset that can be used to control the polygon defined by the application grid. This can be used to avoid processing observations next to the grid boundaries, if so desired:
        Ioffset(1):  I-grid offset on the edge where Istr=1
        Ioffset(2):  I-grid offset on the edge where Iend=Lm
        Joffset(1):  J-grid offset on the edge where Jstr=1
        Joffset(2):  J-grid offset on the edge where Jend=Mm
  • d_sst_merge.m: New driver template to merge several SST ROMS 4D-Var observations NetCDF files. It allows the user to merge data from several satellites and process super observations.
  • load_sst_AMSRE.m: New script to extract AMSRE satellite sea surface temperature for the period of interest and specified region from ROMS Grid file. The SST data is from the OpenDAP catalog maintained by NOAA PFEG CoastWatch in California. The resolution is 0.025 degree global 1-day average product.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for suggesting these updates.

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