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Results (400 - 402 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#505 arango cmoffat Fixed Vorticity Calculation in vorticity.F


I was very glad to see vorticity added to average file output. However, I believe there are a few issues with the way it is being calculated:

  • The last term for pvor (vorticity.F, line 378) should read -dVdz_pr * dRdx_pr (instead of -dVdz_pr * dRde_pr)
  • It looks like relative vorticity, rvor, is being treated as a scalar, so that all three components are added together. Shouldn't this either be the magnitude of the relative vorticity, or just its vertical component (the first term)?
  • I believe there's an extra d(pden)/d(z) in the preamble of the code, where the expressions for pvor and rvor are.

I might be missing something, of course. I've attached a diff file in case it is useful.

Best Regards, Carlos

#506 arango arango Fixed Updated biological models to include allocation of Ngrids depending parameters

I updated all the biological models to allocate parameters that depend on the nested grid parameter Ngrids. Recall that in ROMS 3.5 all the parameters that depend on Ngrids need to be allocated (see release notes). I forgot to make this change in src:ticket:504.

This change affected the following files located in the ROMS/Nonlinear/Biology directory:

  • ecosim_mod.h
  • fennel_mod.h
  • nemuro_mod.h
  • npzd_Franks_mod.h
  • npzd_Powell_mod.h
  • npzd_iron_mod.h.
#507 arango kate WorksForMe Not all smooth with merge

I thought I'd try compiling the NEP5 domain to shake out my bugs. Lo and behold, not all are mine. Here's from get_data.F:

      CALL get_ngfld (ng, iNLM, idRtra, ncFRCid(idRtra,ng),             &
     &                nFfiles(ng), FRC(1,ng), update(1),                &

The compiler doesn't know what to make of ncFRCid and nFfiles.

Also, in main3d.F, some SHARED(ng) are gone, some remain. Is that right?

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