Custom Query (964 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#42 Arango arango Fixed Plotting user polylines in different colors

Added the capability to plot user polylines in different colors. The the user polylines are overlayed if IREF=-2 in the input script. The user lines locations are read from FORTRAN unit 35 (fort.35) containing the (lat,lon) pairs. Each line is separated by a 999.0 special value (drawing pen up). The user can specify the color (iR,iG,iB) for each polyline segment. An simple example of the file fort.35 containing the (lat,lon) pairs is:

 999.000000                  0  255    0
   8.800000   118.000000
   8.800000   128.000000
 999.000000                237  107  172
  11.300000   119.650000
  11.300000   122.010000
 999.000000                153    0  204
  12.200000   120.250000
  12.200000   121.050000
 999.000000                255  255    0
   6.000000   121.300000
  12.250000   121.300000
 999.000000                255  255  255
   8.550000   123.100000
   9.030000   123.100000
 999.000000                255    0    0
   9.000000   125.320000
  10.500000   125.320000
 999.000000   999.000000

Notice that the user has the choice to specify the color after the first special value lat=999.0. That is, iR=lon=???. If lon=999.0, then the polyline color is that specified in the color palette file.

The above file was in the following plot:

#43 jcwarner jcwarner Fixed restart for sed morph

Restart for sed morph does not work correctly. The flag get_var(idbath) needs to be set to TRUE in Utility/checkvars.F. Suggest addition of :

# ifdef SEDIMENT ....

# ifdef SED_MORPH

IF (nrrec(ng).ne.0) THEN



# endif


#44 arango cae Fixed RitzEV

It appears that there's a small bug in mod_fourdvar.F that prevents compiling when CORRELATION is defined.

The RitzEV variable does not get declared if IS4DVAR is not defined, but it is used if CORRELATION is defined. I fixed it by moving the declaration of RitzEV above the #if defined IS4DVAR line, but that may not be the appropriate solution.


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