Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#458 arango arango Fixed Corrected few things in obs_depth.m

Corrected few problems in script obs_write.m. I also added the capability of changing observation with depth = 0 to be located at the surface level. It is assumed that users may assign zero depth to surface satellite data. In ROMS 4D-Var, all the surface satellite data needs to be located at the surface level in the fractional z-grid system.

All the observation fields in the structure are processed with a cell string (field_list) of dynamical fields. This reduces the amount of coding and facilitates expansion in the future.

Many thanks to Chris Edwards for reporting several bugs in this script.

#459 arango arango Fixed KPP Nonlocal transport in passive tracers

The nonlocal transport convective term ghats is applied to all passive tracers in pre_step3d.F when LMD_NONLOCAL is activated. This convective adjustment should be only applied to active tracers: temperature and salinity.The radiative buoyancy flux is only know for active tracers.

This problem is also corrected in tl_pre_step3d.F, rp_pre_step3d.F, and ad_pre_step3d.F.

I also corrected a minor typo in mod_ncparam.F, we need to declare Cinfo with larger character string:

         character (len=256) :: Cinfo(NV,Ngrids)

Many thanks to John Warner and Kate Hedstrom for bringing this to my attention.

#460 arango arango Done Updated WC13/Normalization directory

I made few changes the error normalization coefficients set up. The CPP options to activate the balance operator, and adjusting the lateral boundary condition and surface fluxes are now specified in the build script (, build.batch).

I also updated the documentation in the Readme file.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.