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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#38 arango m.hadfield Fixed Determining number of threads in OpenMP run

In getting ROMS to run in OpenMP mode on my PC with Gfortran, I struck some anomalies in function my_numthreads (file ROMS/Utility/mp_routines.F). Here is the relevant code

#elif defined _OPENMP
      integer :: omp_get_max_threads
!!    integer :: omp_get_num_threads

!!    my_numthreads=omp_get_num_threads()

Obviously someone has tried both omp_get_num_threads and omp_get_max_threads, and settled on the latter. But it didn't work for me with Gfortran, as ROMS always found just one thread and didn't pay any attention to environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. So, if all else fails, read the specification:

I *think* I've worked it out. Function omp_get_max_threads should be called *before* you enter a parallel region to determine the number of threads available and omp_get_num_threads should be called *inside* a parallel region to determine the number of threads you have. When you call omp_get_max_threads inside a parallel region or omp_get_num_threads outside a parallel region, the results are undefined.

In ROMS the number of threads is determined once inside subroutine initialize_parallel, file ROMS/Modules/mod_parallel.F. So I think omp_get_max_threads is the correct function to use, but it is currently called inside a parallel region:


I think this is wrong and it appears to give the wrong results with Gfortran. I removed the parallel declarations and it appears to work OK (tested on Gfortran and Intel Fortra). Modified file is attached.

By the way, the following F90 test program illustrates how these functions are supposed to work

program hello
  use omp_lib
  integer :: id, mthreads, nthreads
  mthreads = omp_get_max_threads()
  write (*,*) 'Maximum is', mthreads, 'threads'
  !$omp parallel private(id)
  id = omp_get_thread_num()
  write (*,*) 'Hello World from thread', id
  !$omp barrier
  if ( id .eq. 0 ) then
    nthreads = omp_get_num_threads()
    write (*,*) 'There are', nthreads, 'threads'
  end if
  !$omp end parallel
end program         

#39 arango arango Fixed Number of Hessian eigenvectors

We need to have the capability of specifying the number of Hessian approximation eigenvectors to use during preconditioning. Currently, the conjugate gradient cgradient.h uses all the eigenpairs computed from the Lanczos algorithm.

#40 arango csherwood Fixed Occurences of MY_APPLICATION

I think MY_APPLICATION should be defined in User/Functionals/ana_m3clima.h, instead of MY_APPLICATION*S*.

Also, should MY_APPLICATION be defined anywhere in ROMS/Functionals/*? I don't think so. It appears in ROMS/Functionals/ana_initial.h and ana_m3clima.h. (I found these with grep -r MY_APPLICATION *). That breaks one approach for running my own application (call it CHRIS), which is to copy User/Functionals/ana_whatever.h into a directory with all of the CHRIS stuff, then place appropriate code inside

#if defined MY_APPLICATION code

I then put #define MY_APPLICATION at the top of chris.h. That seems easier than always adding another test for the case at hand.

Finally, I found this in ROMS_SED trunk... and posted this ticket on the CSTM TRAC system, but it did not look like that TRAC system was being used... where should we post bugs when we find them in the ROMS_SED trunk?

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