Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (349 - 351 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#448 arango arango Done Added global attribute "grid_Lm_Mm_N" to observation file

I updated the file in the test/WC13/Data directory of the repository. The file now includes the grid_Lm_Mm_N global attribute with integer values:

// global attributes:
                :grid_Lm_Mm_N = 54, 53, 30 ;

This attribute is not really needed inside ROMS, but it is added as a good example of 4D-Var observation metadata. This attribute is needed in quality control and binning or the of the observation data during pre-processing.

It is better to add a global attribute than variables or dimensions to the 4D-Var observation file because of backward compatibility.

#450 arango ocecept Fixed Bug in set_avg.F and typo on wrt_tides

Lines 2233 and 2353 at set_avg.F

2231 TIDES(ng)%vbar_tide(i,j,nk)=TIDES(ng)%vbar_tide(i,j,    & 
2232 &                                                 nk)+  &    
2233 &                           OCEAN(ng)%zeta(i,j,Kout)*   & 
2234 &                           tide_harmonics(nk) 

2351 TIDES(ng)%vbar_tide(i,j,nk)=TIDES(ng)%vbar_tide(i,j,    & 
2352 &                                               nk)+    & 
2353 &                           OCEAN(ng)%zeta(i,j,Kout)*   & 
235  &                           tide_harmonics(nk) 

Should be replaced by:

&                           OCEAN(ng)%vbar(i,j,Kout)*   & 

This error was introduced on revision 462 and results in wrong values to vbar_detide when AVERAGE_DETIDE is used.

There is also a small typo on line 170 at wrt_tides.F

      IF (Aout(idu3dD,ng)) THEN 

that should be replaced by:

       IF (Aout(idv2dD,ng)) THEN 
#451 arango arango Fixed Corrected typo in plot_super.m

Corrected small typo in plot_super.m, we need to have Olat instead of lat. I also corrected a typo in c_std_frc.m.

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