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Results (328 - 330 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#427 arango arango Fixed Missing logic vertical viscosity diagnostics in inp_param.F

The logic for processing the Dout(M3vvis) switch is missing in inp_par.F to process vertical viscosity diagnostics. We need to add the following code around line 2767:

           ELSE IF (TRIM(KeyWord).eq.'Dout(M3vvis)') THEN
             IF (M3vvis.le.0) THEN
               IF (Master) WRITE (out,280) 'M3vvis'
             END IF
             Npts=load_l(Nval, Cval, Ngrids, Ldiag)
             DO ng=1,Ngrids
             END DO

Many thanks to Greg Gerbi for reporting this problem.

#428 arango arango Done Stabilized Rpresenter Matrix Array Modes and Clipped Analysis
  • A new driver array_modes_w4dvar.h was added to compute either the requested array mode eigenvector (ARRAY_MODES) or clipped spectrum analysis (CLIPPING) of the stabilized representer matrix during weak constraint, variational data assimilation. The array mode analysis can be used to assess the observing system, prior covariance hypothesis, and the stability of the generalized inverse.
  • The following new CPP options are added:
    ARRAY_MODES         use if computing W4DVAR representer matrix array modes
    ARRAY_MODES_SPLIT   use to separate analysis due to IC, forcing, and OBC
    CLIPPING            use if computing W4DVAR representer matrix clipping analysis
    CLIPPING_SPLIT      use to separate analysis due to IC, forcing, and OBC
    RECOMPUTE_4DVAR     use if recomputing W4DVAR in analysis algorithms
  • A new parameter, Nvct, is added to input script If ARRAY_MODES is activated, Nvct is the eigenvector the stabilized representer matrix to process (Nvct=1 is the less important, and Nvct=Ninner is the most important). If CLIPPING is activated, only eigenvectors Nvct:Ninner will be processed and the rest will be disgarded.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help coding and testing this new driver.

#429 arango arango Fixed Missing END IF in def_avg.F

There is a missing END IF around line 2243 of def_avg.F. Many thanks to Hiroshi Kuroda for reporting this problem.

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