Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (310 - 312 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#408 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in get_ngfld.F and get_ngfldr.F

Corrected a bug in get_ngfld.F and get_ngfldr.F when the scale_factor and add_offset NetCDF attributes are used to compress the data. The generic routines in mod_netcdf.F already process these paramemeters to uncompress the data. So the additional scaling in get_ngfld.F and get_ngfldr.F routines is only related with Fscale(ifield,ng) and not compression:

            DO j=1,Jrec
              DO i=Istr,Iend
              END DO
            END DO

Notice that the Fscale factor is a different issue and doesn't have nothing to do with the compression of data but field units manipulation from varinfo.dat. Usually, Fscale=1.0 for mostly all input fields.

Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for reporting this problem.

The same correction is also needed for get_2dfld.F, get_2dfldr.F, get_3dfld.F, and get_3dfldr.F when processing point-data. However, it very unlikely to have a input NetCDF file with point-data that needs to be compressed as byte and scaled with the scale_factor and add_offset attributes.

#409 arango jcwarner Fixed SWAN - MCT coupling memory bug

During the coupling of ROMS to SWAN, in the file SWAN/Src/waves_coupler.F, there is a call

      CALL GlobalSegMap_Ordpnts (GSMapSWAN, MyRank, points)

This call uses MCT to obtain the local grid points for each tile. The corresponding mct routine allocates memory for the variable points, and then computes those values. In the waves_coupler routine, I also had allocated the variable points and then deallocated the memory. However, since both MCT and I were allocating the memory, it led to a slow but steady increase in memory cache. This only seemed to occur on some compilers for certain applications, and was extremely difficult to identify. The correction is to comment out lines 295 and 297 in waves_coupler.F. This changes the code from

!  Allocate attribute vector array used to export/import data.
      allocate ( avdata(gsmsize),stat=ierr )
      allocate ( points(gsmsize),stat=ierr )

change to:

!  Allocate attribute vector array used to export/import data.
      allocate ( avdata(gsmsize),stat=ierr )
!!    allocate ( points(gsmsize),stat=ierr )
!!    points=0

I tried this on ifort and pgi and it works fine.

#410 arango arango Done Missing metadata for river runoff and inert passive tracers

The metadata definitions for river runoff when both T_PASSIVE and TS_PSOURCE are activated was missing. This definitions need to be read and processed in mod_ncparam.F. Many thanks to Bert Rubash for bringing this to my attention.

WARNING: The user file varinfo.dat was mofided to add the metadata for inert tracer river runoff.

I also included Kate's update to sfmakedepend.

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