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Results (304 - 306 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#402 arango arango Done Input NetCDF files for BIO_TOY test case

Added grid, initial conditions, and forcing Netcdf files for the BIO_TOY test case. It includes initial conditions for BIO_FENNEL, ECOSIM, NEMURO, and all NPZD models (NPZD_FRANKS, NPZD_IRON, and NPZD_POWELL). All the NetCDF files are now under svn control and located in the Data/ROMS/Grid, Data/ROMS/Initial, and Data/ROMS/Forcing sub-directories, respectively.

  • The grid is a 5x5 double periodic domain sampled from the North Esstern North Atlantic (NENA) application. The grid is:
  • There are several initial conditions files according to ecosystem model. The fields are horizontally uniform which render ROMS into 1D vertical model. These files are:
    Data/ROMS/Initial/     BIO_FENNEL
    Data/ROMS/Initial/     ECOSIM
    Data/ROMS/Initial/     NEMURO
    Data/ROMS/Initial/       any NPZD model
  • The forcing data is from a typical year (days 0.5 to 364.5) ECMWF 40-year re-analysis. The time coordinate has the cycle_length attribute with a 365 value. Therefore, this application can be run for several year with a prepetual annual forcing cycle. This file is

The user may want to change a particular initial condition field to a desired value. It is very easy to copy any of these files to a new one and use any NetCDF program to change the field values.

  • I also fixed few documentation typos. Many thanks to Kate Hedström and David Robertson for bringing this to my attention.

Many thanks to Cristina Schultz and John Wilkin for bringing this to my attention. I think that it is better to have these NetCDF files under svn control so we don't forget them in the future.

#403 arango arango Fixed Bug in ini_hmixcoef.F

The horizontal diffusivity arrays diff2 and diff4 were not set correctly to its appropriate values in ini_hmixcoef.F because the C-preprocessing options were misspelled. We need to have TS_DIF2 or TS_DIF4 instead. This caused the diff2 or diff4 arrays to be zero in the horizontal diffusion for tracer (t3dmix*.h routines).

The routine ini_hmixcoef.F was introduced recently. Oops, it took me awhile to hunt this one. I was looking in the advection scheme instead. A very stupid typo! I waist a lot of time looking for this one.

#404 arango mathieu Fixed Wrong angle in radiation_stress

At line 400 and 976 of radiation_stress.F. Please replace the line




The reason is that when the simulation is started the wave spectra is initialized with Jonswap parameterization and thus at the start of the simulation, the plots of wind direction, Dwave and barotropic Stokes drift need to be in about the same direction.

Also, please replace scale=rad2deg by scale=1.0_r8 in wrt_his.F for the variables idWptp, idWpbt, idWorb and idWdis.

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