Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#172 arango arango Done Several updates to surface forcing adjustment and exit_flag

We continue improving the 4DVAR adjustment of surface forcing fields. It is now working for several outer loops. Many thanks to Gregoire Broquet for continuing testing of this tricky algorithm. We are very happy that this it is working nicely now. We will examine the Lanczos part next.

I also continue in my cleaning of the exit_flag for all the drivers. This is part of the slow transition to parallel IO.

We are working on the preconditioning algorithm now. Upgrades and fixes to the Lanczos algorithm are on the works.

I also corrected a parallel bug in mod_netcdf.F when broadcasting var_Achar. I am now forcing initialization of all generic module variables every time that netcdf_get_dim and netcdf_inq_var is called.

#175 arango arango Fixed Error while writing Hessian eigenvalues

There is a bug in cgradient_lanczos.h when writing the Ritz eigenvalues and their errors into the HSSname NetCDF file for the IS4DVAR/LANCZOS algorithm. This only affects the preconditioning. We are currently revising this algorithm. Many change are coming soon. Many thanks to Andy Moore for reporting this problem.

#176 arango jcwarner Fixed using full compiler path

the src ticket #169 which added the full compiler path does not work correctly for CYGWIN (imagine that). The full path for my ifort compiler is

/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Intel/Compiler/Fortran/9.0/IA32/Bin/ifort.exe

But there is a space between the words "Progam" and "Files". (Why did they do that!) So when the full path is used to specify the compiler command, that space causes a problem and i get /bin/sh: /cygdrive/c/Program: No such file or directory.

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