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Results (259 - 261 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#154 arango jcwarner Fixed spec2d SWAN ifort

Users reporting having trouble with the coupled ROMS-SWAN code when trying to allow swan to write out a 2D spectra output file. I have been able to duplicate this issue, but it only occurs with the ifort compiler (i am using 9.0.028) and not with pgi (6.1-6). Problem: in swanout1.F, the problem is at line (446 or so)


When the user has a SPEC outfile, the pointer to IVTYP(1) is not defined. Apparently, pgi is ok with this but ifort fails. The var IVTYPE is not needed by the coupler for a SPEC output.

Suggested fix 1) modify swanout1.F, after the call to SWORD, add code to always define IVTYP:

IF (RTYPE(1:2) .EQ. 'SP') THEN





(this change is in my branch, swanout1.F near lines 290-294).

2) in swanout1.F, remove line 446 IVTYPE=CORQ%IVTYP(1)

3)in add

POINTS 'point1' 5000.0 10000.0 SPECOUT 'point1' SPEC2D 'point1.spc2d' OUTPUT 20000101.000000 1 HR

so that this issue can be tested in future releases. In my branch, this is still file INPUT_inlet_test.

#155 arango kate Fixed maxrho/maxspeed bug for multiple serial tiles

The variables maxrho and maxspeed are local to diag.F and therefore not remembered from one tile to the next. Diag will do the wrong thing unless a SAVE is added for them, or they are put in a module with avgke and friends.

Also, the reduction on them is wrong. They are being added instead of maxed.

#157 arango kate Fixed bad old info in documentation

Investigation of the step_floats.F code lead me to write some time ago:

! T Float trajectory type ! (0: neutral 3D Lagrangian, 1:isobaric, 2: isopycnal)

I'm actually not sure that's what's going on though. In any case, the documentation in the file for float type needs to be revisited.

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