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Results (253 - 255 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#141 arango arango Done Tagged latest repository version as ROMS 3.1

Frozen and tagged current svn src trunk revision 166 as ROMS 3.1 in preparation for next big release.

#142 arango arango Done Upgraded model to include nesting and ESMF drivers

The ROMS/TOMS model was upgraded to include new developments for multiple levels of nesting (refine/mosaic/composite grids) and ESMF multi-model coupling drivers. For more information, please check the release notes. Notice that this is the first stage in the nesting development.

#144 arango arango Done Updated model coupling using the MCT library

The code was updated to consolidate the model coupling with either the ESMF or MCT libraries. Both libraries interfaces have the same design. They use input script and metadata file coupling.dat for model coupling. The design is generic so it is easier to add new fields to interchange them between models. I cleaned all the files that use the MCT library and I removed the Lib/MCT_WRF directory. It is now obsolete. I also built the drivers for ROMS/WRF/SWAN coupling. However, the WRF model is not released a this time since it requires further development. It was loaded to my branch in the omlab repository which have limited access.

At this time all the coupled models are in the same grid. However, the roms_import.F and roms_export.F routines can be expanded in the future to include the spatial interpolation between coupled models with different grids.

I also updated the way that time is reported in the standard output. Now, it is reported as string having the following form: day hh:mm:ss. This allows more detailed information that just a float number. It is also more accurate.

Many thanks to John Warner for his work and great help.

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