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Results (238 - 240 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#116 arango arango Fixed Shortwave and longwave radiation parameterizations

There has been some inquires in the past about the computation of shortwave and longwave radiation using analytical options. See the following ROMS forumlink.

A bug was corrected in the albedo equation (ana_srflux.h) that computes the optical thickness of the atmosphere under a cloudless skies (Zillman, 1972). The original paper is very difficult to get because is a technical report. This equation can be found in the literature with 0.1 and 0.01 coefficients. There is a lot of literature using this equation and refering it to Zillman (1972). I contacted John Zillman (now retired) and he mentioned that he could not locate a copy of the over 500 page Australian Bureau of Meteorological Study. However, he menstioned that the formula appears in several places in the text and in each case the coefficient is 0.1. Anyway, this is something that we see a lot in the literature. Authors quoting others but not reading the original paper. Then, errors are easily propagated.

I documented well these options in the code and put the units for the saturation of vapor pressure (e_sat) and water vapor pressure (vap_p) which is very important for these parameterizations.

#118 arango arango Fixed Bug in 2D momentum reduced physics open boundary conditions

The reduced-physics open boundary condition for 2D momentum in u2dbc_im.F and v2dbc_im.F use the wrong time index kout instead of know. This is also a parallel bug because extended tile indices are used inside the parallel region without synchronization. Anyway, the right-hand-side of the reduced equations need to use the old time index (know). Similar corrections are done the the TLM, RPM, ADM version of these routines.

Many thanks to John Warner for reporting these bugs.

#119 arango arango Done Added Copyright script

Added the Copyright scripts and copyright.bash in the ROMS/Bin subdirectory. These scripts updates copyright information on ROMS sources files. I also updates the copyright svn property. Either of these scripts must be executed fron the top level of the ROMS directory tree:




      -nosvn      skip updating of the svn properties.
      -verbose    list files that are modified.

Many thanks to David Robertson for coding these nice scripts.

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