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Results (235 - 237 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#113 arango arango Fixed Fasham model, oxygen sink by zooplakton

The is a sign bug in the oxygen equation of the Fasham model (BIO_FASHAN) when oxygen fluxes (OXYGEN) are considered. See for more information. We need a minus sign to represent a sink in the oxygen due to zooplankton metabolism.

Many thanks to Laura Bianucci for reporting this typo.

#114 arango arango Fixed Adjoint bug in point sources

There are a couple of adjoint bugs in ad_step3d_uv.F and ad_step3d_t.F when UV_PSOURCE and TS_PSOURCE are activated. The sanity check failed because these bugs. Many thanks to Gordon Zhang for reporting this problem.

#115 arango arango Done Detided time-averaged fields

A new CPP option (AVERAGES_DETIDE) has been coded to write detided free-surface and 2D/3D momentum. These new fields (zeta_detided, ubar_detided, vbar_detided, u_detided, v_detided) are written to output time-averaged NetCDF (AVGNAME).

The detiding is somewhat elaborated. It solves the following least-squares problem:

F = Favg + SUM[A(k)*SIN(omega(k)*t)] + SUM[B(k)*COS(omega(k)*t)],  k=1:Ntides

where Favg is the time-averaged field, omega(k) are the tidal frequencies, A(k) and B(k) are the fitting coefficients, and Ntides is the number of tidal harmonics.

The detiding improves with time. A restart mechanism is provided by writing time-accumulated harmonics into input tidal forcing NetCDF file. More information about detinding will be provided later in wikiROMS.

Many thanks to John Wilkin and Gordon Zhang for discussions about how to implement this option.

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