Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#73 arango mathieu Fixed wpoint problem

I experienced a compiling problem with wpoints.F the error occurs with mp_gather.

The error is the following:

  • the function mp_gather has input variables

i.e. 2 and 3 dimensional arrays.

  • The call in wpoints is with
    rmask(LBi,LBj), rmask(LBi,LBj)

i.e., scalars.

If compiler options are of importance, it is

ifort -c  -ip -O2 wpoints.f90
#74 arango mathieu Fixed TS_MPDATA, tl_Hz compiling problem

In the function ad_pre_step3d.F the variable tl_Hz is used one time but not declared.

I would presume that it has been forgottent to comment it out.

#75 arango mathieu Fixed TS_MPDATA, Further leftovers?

The following are like the preceding:

  • file ad_t3dmix2_s.h line 182-183 variable tl_Hz
  • file ad_t3dmix2_geo.h line 315-316 variable tl_Hz
  • file ad_t3dmix4_geo.h line 549-550 variable tl_Hz
  • file ad_t3dmix4_iso.h line 590-591 variable tl_Hz
  • file ad_t3dmix4_s.h line 280-281 variable tl_Hz

Does it needs to be removed?

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