Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (199 - 201 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#57 arango arango Fixed Missing declaration of tl_srflx array

The array tl_srflx is not declared and allocated in mod_forces.F.

#58 arango arango Fixed Native MPI libraries with PGI compiler

We recently updated to the newest version of PGI (pgf90 7.0-5 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux) in our cluster and to our surprise it affected the native MPI libraries in our system. These dynamic MPI libraries are optimized for our architecture by the vendor. Applications run faster than with generic MPICH libraries. This also affected older versions of PGI in our cluster. We don't really know what happens and PGI doesn't want to tell us why. Anyway, there is a solution for this. We just need to surround the MPI library linking with dynamic and static switches:

             LIBS += -Bdynamic -lfmpi-pgi -lmpi-pgi -Bstatic
#59 arango jcwarner Fixed q_psource

For Q_PSOURCE capability:

1) need to correct the do loop order in step3d_t

2) need to prevent ts_psource from applying horizontal fluxes if only q_psource is defined (in step3d_t)

3) same as 2) but in pre_step3d

4) add Q_PSOURCE to checkdefs.

Hernan- please look in my branch at step3d_t.F pre_step3d.F checkdefs.F

to view my suggested changes for q_psource.

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