Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (196 - 198 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#51 arango arango Done Closed/Gradient Conditions in bc_2d.F and bc_3d.F

We need to modify generic boundary conditions bc_2d.F and bc_3d.F to include both closed and gradient boundary conditions for U- and V-type variables. Currently, all the boundary conditions are gradient. It makes more sense to impose free-slip/no-slip boundary conditions for these type of variables when any of the EASTERN_WALL, WESTERN_WALL, NORTHERN_WALL, or SOUTHERN_WALL are activated and gradient conditions when open boundaries.

#54 arango milena Fixed typo in wrt_info.F

There could be a possible typo in the new version of wrt_info.F, line 1155: wrt_info=nf90_put_var1_int(ncid, varid, KendS(ng))

It looks like nf_put_var1_int was changed to nf90_put_var1_int, instead of nf90_put_var.


#55 arango rsignell Done Suggestion for 30% faster compiles of forward model

I've been experimenting with cygwin/gfortran, an environment where my build time for ROMS 3.0 is 9.5 minutes. Since I'm only interested at this point in building the forward (nonlinear) model, I found that by NOT compiling TANGENT, REPRESENTER and ADJOINT, my compile time drops to just over 6.5 minutes, a savings of nearly 30%.

I think a nice feature would be adding a Makefile option of only building the forward model (or making just the forward build the default and adding an option to build all the other stuff).

On my sytem, I modified the ROMS 3.0 makefile thusly:

  modules   :=	ROMS/Nonlinear \
		ROMS/Functionals \
		ROMS/SeaIce \
		ROMS/Utility \
  modules   :=	ROMS/Adjoint \
		ROMS/Representer \
		ROMS/Tangent \
		ROMS/Nonlinear \
		ROMS/Functionals \
		ROMS/SeaIce \
		ROMS/Utility \

and then set

 export         BUILD_FORWARD_ONLY=on

in my build.bash script.

(p.s. someone should run "dos2unix" on the build.bash script in the distribution so that I don't have to do that every time myself after updating)

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