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Results (142 - 144 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#859 tviti3 Fixed Possible typo in coarse2fine.m?

Was trying to use coarse2fine in MATLAB R2020a to nest in a synthetic model, and encountered the following error:

Error using griddedInterpolant/parenReference
The number of input coordinate arrays must match the dimensions of the sample values.

Error in coarse2fine (line 372)
      RCu.Values = C.y_u(:);   F.y_u = RCu(XuF, YuF);

Wound up making the following modification to get it working:

  diff --git a/grid/coarse2fine.m b/grid/coarse2fine.m
  index af3c1db..9c5ad5b 100644
  --- a/grid/coarse2fine.m
  +++ b/grid/coarse2fine.m
  @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ if (got.x_u && got.y_u) || (got.lon_u && got.lat_u)
         RCu = griddedInterpolant(XuC, YuC, C.x_u, method);

                                  F.x_u = RCu(XuF, YuF);
  -      RCu.Values = C.y_u(:);   F.y_u = RCu(XuF, YuF);
  +      RCu.Values = C.y_u;   F.y_u = RCu(XuF, YuF);
         F.x_u = interp2(XuC', YuC', C.x_u', XuF, YuF, method);
         F.y_u = interp2(XuC', YuC', C.y_u', XuF, YuF, method);

What's weird though is that I've used this before on this same model, and don't remember having to make this change. This may have been on an older version on MATLAB though, and I'm not sure if the behaviour of griddedInterpolant has changed in 2020a.

#871 arango Done Minor Fortran Syntax Corrections

This update includes several minor corrections that do not affect the computations:

  • The syntax for the ampersand (&) location is now strict to facilitate alternate compiling using CMAKE, which will be used to interact with the JEDI data assimilation project. Many thanks to Dave Robertson for writing the PERL script to determine the ampersand location that triggers the free-form compiling rules. After using our fancy GMAKE and makefile in ROMS for years, we feel that are retrograding to the stone age with CMAKE. We are appalled and disgusted with its minimal capabilities.
  • WARNING: Changed the metadata entry for obs_scale in varinfo.dat. Now, we have a precise long_name;
    'obs_scale'                                        ! Output
      'observation screening and quality control scale'
  • Introduced new C-preprocessing option TRACING to track the sequence of ROMS routines calls during debugging. It will help track the location where the model is hanging-up in MPI applications in some computer environments.
  • Corrected logic in the Coupled 4D-Var algorithms using the split scheme overwrites several output variables in the MODNAME NetCDF file. Notice that Coupled 4D-Var algorithms have not been released yet.
  • Added additional global attributes to the MODNAME NetCDF file to facilitate post-processing:
    // global attributes:
                    :type = "ROMS/TOMS 4D-Var output observation processing file" ;
                    :Algorithm = "RBL4DVAR" ;
                    :str_day = 13008. ;
                    :end_day = 13012. ;
                    :str_date = "2004-01-03 00:00:00.00" ;
                    :end_date = "2004-01-07 00:00:00.00" ;
    showing the 4D-Var cycle starting and ending times and dates.
#898 arango Done Removed obsolete modules ROMS_export_mod and ROMS_import_mod

To clear any confusion the modules ROMS_export_mod (Master/roms_export.F) and ROMS_import_mod (Master/roms_import.F) were removed from the repository. These modules were never used. It were intended for coupling many years ago.

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