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Results (136 - 138 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#784 dwhitt Fixed INLINE_2DIO and PERFECT_RESTART incompatibility

It may be worth noting that INLINE_2DIO and PERFECT_RESTART are incompatible, because nf_fread4d.F and nf_fwrite4d.F are not configured for INLINE_2DIO. This incompatibility can cause crashes due to insufficient memory during reading and writing of restart files if the problem is indeed memory constrained.

I'm attaching my modifications to these files following nf_fread3d.F and nf_fwrite4d.F, which are very minor and seem to fix the incompatibility.

#797 m.hadfield Fixed Restore NETCDF_LIBS to

In src:ticket:762 I submitted several makefiles in which a new variable, NETCDF_LIBS, was defined to allow overriding of the default netCDF linker switch, -lnetcdf. (Specifically, this is needed on CentOS 7 systems, where the netCDF-Fortran installation is broken.) The change was overridden in the recent makefile overhaul in src:ticket:796.

I have attached a copy of in which NETCDF_LIBS is restored alongside all the src:ticket:796 changes. I have also added a corresponding variable, HDF5_LIBS, to help with linking the HDF5 libraries.

I will check the Cray Linux-ftn-[gnu/intel/cray] make files in due course

#810 likerice WorksForMe Error where ROMS reads in specific humidity in bulk_flux.F?

I am a relatively inexperienced ROMS user so my apologies if I am in error here. I recently updated my ROMS code to the most recent version and was surprised to find the following code intact:

!  Compute specific humidity, Q (kg/kg).
          IF ( THEN                       !RH fraction
            cff=cff*RH                                 !Vapor pres (mb)
            Q(i)=0.62197_r8*(cff/(PairM-0.378_r8*cff)) !Spec hum (kg/kg)
          ELSE          !RH input was actually specific humidity in g/kg
            Q(i)=RH/1000.0_r8                          !Spec Hum (kg/kg)
          END IF

I believe that the two blocks of code in the if/else statement should be swapped. Note that this block of code is the subject of several posts on the roms forum, e.g.:

As John Wilkin explains in that post on the forum, this piece of legacy code appears to check whether the user inputs relative humidity (in %) or specific humidity (in g/kg). If "RH" < 2, ROMS concludes that the user has provided specific humidity in g/kg, but in that case it should go to the "else" statement and divide RH by 1000 to obtain Q in kg/kg.

If the user has provided relative humidity in per cent, then ROMS executes the code in the "else" block, but that is the case where ROMS should execute the code in the "if" block.


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