Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#762 m.hadfield Done More makefiles

Makefiles and were added in ticket 756. Attached is another, These 3 files support the 3 different programming environments on our Cray XC50: PrgEnv-cray, PrgEnv-intel and PrgEnv-gnu.

You may or may not also be interested in a modified version of, also attached. This defines another netCDF-related variable, NETCDF_LIBS, used when USE_NETCDF4 is not set. I added this to allow me to provide the right variables on my CentOS 7 system, as discussed on the forum.

#773 kate Fixed small stuff for gfortran and -fcheck=all

While compiling with the gfortran compiler and the following flags:

 -fcheck=all -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined

we discovered few issues. The routines wclock_on and wclock_off need to be recursive.Also, LBC%reduced not initialized in mod_param.F.

The routines read_phypar.F and read_stapar.F were modified to suppress lots of warnings in gfortran:

At line XXX of file read_phypar.f90
Fortran runtime warning: An array temporary was created
#777 arango Done Several small improvementsasrc

Several changes were made to aid in new underway developments:

  • Removed the parameter attribute to the declaration of MyMaster in mod_parallel.F.
  • Changed from numerical to a variable argument in several MPI function calls in distribute.F:
          CALL mpi_bcast (A, Npts, MPI_INTEGER, MyMaster, OCN_COMM_WORLD,   &
         &                MyError)
    instead of
          CALL mpi_bcast (A, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MyMaster, OCN_COMM_WORLD,   q   &
         &                MyError)
  • Moved the declaration of Adir, Hdir, Hfile, and Rdir from mod_ncparam.F to mod_strings.F.
  • Cleaned the use my_fflags in def_info.F, def_mod.F, and read_phypar.F.
  • Updated the scripts build.bash and
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