Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#663 arango Barbara Fixed a small bug in t3dmix4_iso.h

Around line 115 in t3dmix4_iso.h, otherwise the "build" process will fail, when we define MIX_ISO_TS and TS_DIF4. We just need to add:

      USE mod_ncparam
#670 arango leon Fixed a small bug in ad_v2dbc_im.F

There is a typo in ad_v2dbc_im.F line 1817

ELSE IF (tl_LBC(isouth,isVbar,ng)%Shchepetkin) THEN

should be

ELSE IF (ad_LBC(isouth,isVbar,ng)%Shchepetkin) THEN

This actually not a bug since the tl_LBC quantities are computed from ad_LBC after reading from input script.

#675 arango kate Fixed globaldefs.h and SALINITY; correction to ana_passive.h

A colleague is trying to set up an idealized case with BULK_FLUXES, but without a forcing file. She's got all analytical options from ANA_CLOUD through ANA_WINDS, but ROMS still wants a forcing file. I believe the problem is in globaldefs.h near the line:

    ( defined SALINITY     && !defined ANA_SSFLUX)   || \

which should also have

      && !defined BULK_FLUXES
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