Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (958 - 960 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#965 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Writing Rotated winds to History and Quicksave files

The rotated wind variables, eastward and northward, were defined in output History and Quicksave NetCDF files but were not written. The input wind variables are rotated and averaged at RHO points when appropriate and requested in

Hout(idUair) == T       ! Uwind              surface U-wind
Hout(idVair) == T       ! Vwind              surface V-wind
Hout(idUaiE) == T       ! Uwind_eastward     surface Eastward  U-wind
Hout(idVaiN) == T       ! Vwind_northward    surface Northward V-wind


Qout(idUair) == T       ! Uair               surface U-wind
Qout(idVair) == T       ! Vair               surface V-wind
Qout(idUaiE) == T       ! Uwind_eastward     surface Eastward  U-wind
Qout(idVaiN) == T       ! Vwind_northward    surface Northward V-wind

Many thanks, John Wilkin, for bringing this issue to my attention.

#27 arango rsignell WorksForMe change to mod_ncparam.F broke my ROMS_APPLICATION ?= WAKE case

I've been running with the makefile


and then defining MY_HEADER_DIR ?= /home/rsignell/p/wake/roms_sed/run004 MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR ?= /home/rsignell/p/wake/roms_sed/run004

in which my wake.h and ana_xxx.h files are kept.

The change from ROMS_HEADER to HEADER:

broke this case. Reverting back to ROMS_HEADER worked.

#30 arango arango Fixed Memory Leak in the Lanczos Algorithm

The Lanczos conjugate gradient algorithm (IS4DVAR plus LANCZOS) has a segmentation violation at the end of the inner loop when computing the Hessian eigenvectors.

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