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Results (925 - 927 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#924 arango Done Upated io_type error message

Several users failed to update their application when the ROMS code is updated to include changes to its standard input file. They get errors like:

INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
GET_GRID - Illegal output type, io_type = 0
Found Error: 03   Line: 91       Source: ROMS/Utility/get_grid.F
Found Error: 03   Line: 85       Source: ROMS/Utility/set_grid.F

This error implies that the PIO block is missing in

! Input and Output files processing library to use:
!   [1] Standard NetCDF-3 or NetCDF-4 library
!   [2] Serial or Parallel I/O with Parallel-IO (PIO) library (MPI only)

     INP_LIB =  1
     OUT_LIB =  1

! PIO library methods for reading/writing NetCDF files:
!   [0] parallel read and write of PnetCDF (CDF-5, not recommended)
!   [1] parallel read and write of NetCDF3 (64-bit offset)
!   [2] serial   read and write of NetCDF3 (64-bit offset)
!   [3] parallel read and serial write of NetCDF4/HDF5
!   [4] parallel read and write of NETCDF4/HDF5


! PIO library MPI processes set-up:

 PIO_IOTASKS =  1                 ! number of I/O tasks to define
  PIO_STRIDE =  1                 ! stride in the MPI-ran between I/O tasks
    PIO_BASE =  0                 ! offset for the first I/O task
  PIO_AGGREG =  1                 ! number of MPI-aggregators to use

! PIO library rearranger methods for moving data between computational and I/O
! processes:
!   [1] Box rearrangement
!   [2] Subset rearrangement

   PIO_REARR =  1

! PIO library rearranger flag for MPI communications between computational
! and I/O processes:
!   [0] Point-to-Point (low-level communications)
!   [1] Collective (high-level grouped communications)


! PIO library rearranger flow control direction flag for MPI communications
! between computational and I/O processes:
!   [0] Enable computational to I/O processes, and vice versa
!   [2] Enable computational to I/O processes only
!   [3] Enable I/O to computational processes only
!   [4] Disable flow control


! PIO rearranger options for computational to I/O processes (C2I):

  PIO_C2I_HS = T                  ! Enable C2I handshake (T/F)
PIO_C2I_Send = T                  ! Enable C2I Isends (T/F)
PIO_C2I_Preq = 64                 ! Maximum pending C2I requests

! PIO rearranger options for I/O to computational processes (I2C):

  PIO_I2C_HS = T                  ! Enable I2C handshake (T/F)
PIO_I2C_Send = T                  ! Enable I2C Isends (T/F)
PIO_I2C_Preq = 65                 ! Maximum pending I2C requests

Therefore, this update clarifies the standard output error as:

INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
 GET_GRID - Illegal input file type, io_type = 0
            Check KeyWord 'INP_LIB' in ''.
 Found Error: 02   Line: 91       Source: ROMS/Utility/get_grid.F
 Found Error: 02   Line: 85       Source: ROMS/Utility/set_grid.F

Let's hope that we don't see desperate messages in the Forum from users about this error, and they have the curiosity to check their and find that the INP_LIB or OUT_LIB KeyWords are not found, indicating an old version of, which needs to be updated.

#925 arango Done VERY IMPORTANT: Updated nesting connetivity tool contact.m

This is an essential update to the ROMS nesting connectivity tool contact.m. In particular, the local function refine_coordinates is enhanced to be more robust for Cartesian and Spherical nested grid applications when computing ROMS metric variables.

I added the following critical information to contact.m header:

Users need to be aware of potential problems with spherical grids because we do not know how the grid generation tool computed the ROMS metrics (pm, pn, and angle) for all nested grids. Therefore, any procedure here will not exactly conserve coarse-to-fine area because of inconsistent (lon, lat) distance methodology. One possible solution is to recompute the ROMS metrics for all grids using roms_metrics.m based only on its (lon, lat) coordinates. Thus, we have an invariant way in the computation of the ROMS metrics in all the nested grids before running this tool. See roms_metrics.m for methodology details.

  • Deprecated function grid_metrics.m is removed from the repository to avoid any confusion in the future. It is replaced with more robust function roms_metrics.m.
  • coarse2fine.m is also updated to use roms_metrics for consistency.
#926 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Corrected couple of bugs
  • mod_ncparam.F: Added missing END SELECT to the metadata for the adjoint sensitivity of inert tracers. Many thanks to Brian Powell for bringing this issue to my attention.
  • main2d.F: Moved the updating of time index iic(ng) to be bottom of the time stepping:
    !  Advance time index and time clock.
                DO ig=1,GridsInLayer(nl)
                  CALL time_string (time(ng), time_code(ng))
                END DO
              END DO STEP_LOOP
    I corrected this bug some time ago in my research code, but I forgot to fix the distributed code. Anyway, many thanks to Bradley Reed for reporting this issue.
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