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Results (907 - 909 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#902 arango Fixed VERY IMPORTANT: Updated I/O processing with the PIO library

In this update, several files were modified, so the PIO library works in applications with tidal and river forcing.

  • The reading routines nf_fread2d.F, nf_fread3d.F, nf_fread4d.F, nf_fread2d_bry.F, and nf_fread3d_bry.F were updated to compute the checksum values in a compact way. For example, in nf_fread3d.F, we have:
         IF (Lchecksum) THEN
           IF (.not.associated(Cwrk)) allocate ( Cwrk(Npts) )
           Cwrk=PACK(Adat(Imin:Imax, Jmin:Jmax, LBk:UBk), .TRUE.)
           CALL get_hash (Cwrk, Npts, checksum, .TRUE.)
           IF (associated(Cwrk)) deallocate (Cwrk)
         END IF
  • Corrected routine pio_nfread2d in nf_fread2d.F module to work processing fields that need regridding.
  • Restructured get_ngfld.F and get_ngfldr.F to clearly distinguish when processing input arrays of rank 1, 2, and 3. The PIO library expects the start and total arguments to NetCDF reading with congruent ranks. In addition, those routines have a new logical variable argument, recordless, to distinguish when processing variables with time records or not:
    !  Tidal Period.
          IF (LprocessTides(ng)) THEN
            IF (iic(ng).eq.0) THEN
              CALL get_ngfld (ng, iNLM, idTper, TIDE(ng)%ncid,              &
    # if defined PIO_LIB && defined DISTRIBUTE
         &                    TIDE(ng)%pioFile,                             &
    # endif
         &                    1, TIDE(ng), recordless, update(1),           &
         &                    1, MTC, 1, 1, 1, NTC(ng), 1,                  &
         &                    TIDES(ng) % Tperiod)
              IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN
            END IF
          END IF
    All the calls to get_ngfld in get_data.F, rp_get_data.F, and tl_get_data.F were updated. Similarly, all the calls to get_ngfldr in ad_get_data.F.

Many thanks to Dave Robertson for bringing this issue to my attention.

#903 arango Done VERY IMPORTANT: Miscelaneous Update

This update enhances several routines:

  • The routine ad_main3d is rewritten to include the nesting logic. The 4D-Var nesting scheme are working and will be released sometime next year. The complicated nested 4D-Var algorithms were developed in collaboration with Andy Moore. It was a herculean and tricky effort involving lots of testing.
  • For consistency, the time-stepping counter is updated at the bottom of main3d, tl_main3d, and ad_main3d. For example, in main3d.F we have:
    !  Advance time index and time clock.
                DO ig=1,GridsInLayer(nl)
                  CALL time_string (time(ng), time_code(ng))
                END DO
    It cleaned the awkward logic at the bottom of initial, tl_initial, and ad_initial. This change was required for a more straightforward nested 4D-Var design.
  • Adds AD_OUTPUT_STATE option to process and write out the whole adjoint solution. Due to the exact discrete adjoint, the predictor/corrector time-stepping scheme with multiple time levels, pieces of the adjoint solution are in two-time levels and need to be added in the ad_*_sol arrays for output purposes. We need this capability in the stochastic algorithms and the ROMS-JEDI interface.

Thus, changes are made to ad_ini_fields, ad_main2d, ad_main3d, and ad_step3d_uv. The two pieces for ad_u_sol and ad_v_sol are computed in ad_step3d_uv (index nnew). The other piece is computed in ad_pre_step3d, and added in ad_out_fields:

!  Add a second piece of the 3D adjoint momentum solution into IO arrays.
!  The first is loaded in "ad_step3d_uv".
      DO j=JstrB,JendB
        IF ( THEN
          DO k=1,N(ng)
            DO i=IstrB,IendB
            END DO
          END DO
        END IF
        DO k=1,N(ng)
          DO i=IstrM,IendB
          END DO
        END DO
      END DO
  • The time index logic in ad_wrt_his was slightly modified to account for the change of location of iic(ng) counter update in ad_main3d:
    !  Determine time index to write. The "nout" index is updated to the
    !  version of "ad_main3d" that updates the "iic" counter at the bottom.
    !  Therefore, we need to change the conditional "iic(ng).ne.ntend(ng)"
    !  to "iic(ng).gt.ntend(ng)" to get identical solutions.
    # ifdef SOLVE3D
    # else
    # endif
    # if defined WEAK_CONSTRAINT
    # endif
    # ifdef SOLVE3D
          IF (iic(ng).gt.ntend(ng)) THEN
    # ifdef AD_OUTPUT_STATE
    # endif
    # ifdef AD_OUTPUT_STATE
    # endif
          END IF
    # endif
  • The jedi_roms.h driver was modified to facilitate the LinearModel Class for the ROMS-JEDI interface. OOPS will advance the ROMS kernels by smaller intervals, usually a single timestep. The strategy here is different from that used for coupling because ROMS delayed output. The delayed output last half timestep will affect the OOPS trajectory logic needed to save the NLM background fields required to linearize the TLM and ADM kernels. Therefore, we need to address some technical issues for the correct TL and AD state vector to exchange between ROMS and OOPS.
  • Enhanced function netcdf_inq_var in mod_netcdf.F to include more information about file global dimensions: names, ID, and size.
  • Updated the lateral boundary conditions for the vertical mixing coefficients in the turbulent parameterizations schemes. For example, in gls_corstep.F, we have:
         DO k=0,N(ng)
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%Western_Edge(tile)) THEN
             DO j=Jstr,Jend
               DO itrc=1,NAT
               END DO
             END DO
           END IF
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%Eastern_Edge(tile)) THEN
             DO j=Jstr,Jend
               DO itrc=1,NAT
               END DO
             END DO
           END IF
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%Southern_Edge(tile)) THEN
             DO i=Istr,Iend
               DO itrc=1,NAT
               END DO
             END DO
           END IF
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%Northern_Edge(tile)) THEN
             DO i=Istr,Iend
               DO itrc=1,NAT
               END DO
             END DO
           END IF
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%SouthWest_Corner(tile)) THEN
             DO itrc=1,NAT
               Akt(Istr-1,Jstr-1,k,itrc)=0.5_r8*                           &
        &                                (Akt(Istr  ,Jstr-1,k,itrc)+       &
        &                                 Akt(Istr-1,Jstr  ,k,itrc))
             END DO
             Akv(Istr-1,Jstr-1,k)=0.5_r8*                                  &
        &                         (Akv(Istr  ,Jstr-1,k)+                   &
        &                          Akv(Istr-1,Jstr  ,k))
           END IF
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%SouthEast_Corner(tile)) THEN
             DO itrc=1,NAT
               Akt(Iend+1,Jstr-1,k,itrc)=0.5_r8*                           &
        &                                (Akt(Iend  ,Jstr-1,k,itrc)+       &
        &                                 Akt(Iend+1,Jstr  ,k,itrc))
             END DO
             Akv(Iend+1,Jstr-1,k)=0.5_r8*                                  &
        &                         (Akv(Iend  ,Jstr-1,k)+                   &
        &                          Akv(Iend+1,Jstr  ,k))
           END IF
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%NorthWest_Corner(tile)) THEN
             DO itrc=1,NAT
               Akt(Istr-1,Jend+1,k,itrc)=0.5_r8*                           &
        &                                (Akt(Istr  ,Jend+1,k,itrc)+       &
        &                                 Akt(Istr-1,Jend  ,k,itrc))
             END DO
             Akv(Istr-1,Jend+1,k)=0.5_r8*                                  &
        &                         (Akv(Istr  ,Jend+1,k)+                   &
        &                          Akv(Istr-1,Jend  ,k))
           END IF
           IF (DOMAIN(ng)%NorthEast_Corner(tile)) THEN
             DO itrc=1,NAT
               Akt(Iend+1,Jend+1,k,itrc)=0.5_r8*                           &
        &                                (Akt(Iend  ,Jend+1,k,itrc)+       &
        &                                 Akt(Iend+1,Jend  ,k,itrc))
             END DO
             Akv(Iend+1,Jend+1,k)=0.5_r8*                                  &
        &                         (Akv(Iend  ,Jend+1,k)+                   &
        &                          Akv(Iend+1,Jend  ,k))
           END IF
         END DO
    The parameterization schemes compute the vertical mixing at the interior points, and we have boundary conditions for only periodic applications. This issue was discovered in the ROMS-JEDI interface. This change introduces minimal roundoff changes to the nonlinear model solution, which affects the TLM, RPM, ADM solutions.
  • Corrected bug in def_avg_pio that gives error when synchronizing a PIO file to disk. Many thanks to Dave Robertson for bringing this issue to my attention.
#904 arango Done Updated Copyright 2002-2022

Updated the ROMS/TOMS Copyright to all algorithms:

  Copyright (c) 2002-2022 The ROMS/TOMS Group
     Licensed under an MIT/X style license
     See License_ROMS.txt

This year is the 20th anniversary of our formal distribution of ROMS and related software to the user community. ROMS has evolved substantially over the past two decades. However, it continues growing and improving.

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