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#862 arango Done IMPORTANT: Split 4D-Var algorithms, Phase I

Several files are updated to facilitate the splitting of the 4D-Var algorithms into multiple executables. Such split 4D-Var drivers will be released in the future when they are thoroughly tested. However, here the infrastructure needed for split 4D-Var data assimilation is released to synchronize all the research repositories and avoid version conflicts.

The 4D-Var drivers are split into its elementary phase routines: prior_error, background, increment, analysis, posterior_analysis, and posterior_error.

For example, we can use Executable A to compute the nonlinear trajectory (background and analysis phases) needed to linearize the tangent linear and adjoint models in the 4D-Var inner loops iterations, during the minimization of the cost function. It allows the nonlinear trajectory to be part of a coupling system and or include nested grids. Then, Executable B is used to compute the control state increment by minimizing the cost function over Ninner loops. In this phase, it is possible to use a coarser grid resolution to accelerate computations. If so, the finer background trajectory needs to be interpolated into the coarser grid. Then, at the end of the inner loops, the coarse grid increment is interpolated back to the finer grid. The increment phase may be run at a lower precision.

Therefore, there are a lot of changes that are needed in ROMS to achieve this 4D-Var data assimilation strategy:

  • The routine inp_par.F is now inside a module to facilitate routines with optional arguments, and have stricter management of subroutine arguments. All the drivers were modified to include:
         USE inp_par_mod,       ONLY : inp_par
    in the ROMS_initialize phase.
  • A new subroutine set_grid.F is added to configure the application grid configuration during initialization. For example, in initial.F we have:
    !  Set application grid, metrics, and associated variables and
    !  parameters.
          DO ng=1,Ngrids
            IF (SetGridConfig(ng)) THEN
              CALL set_grid (ng, iNLM)
            END IF
          END DO
    which includes calls to ana_grid or get_grid, set_scoord, set_weights, metrics, nesting, ana_wtype, and ana_nudgcoef or get_nudgcoef. The new switch SetGridConfig is used to avoid repetetive calls during iterative algorithms or drivers. It needs to be called once during execution.
  • Added a new routine get_hash.F to compute the checksum during the processing of input data to facilitate comparison between ROMS solutions.

There are various algorithms to compute the checksum for character and integer data. In floating-point data, its values are interpreted as unsigned integers. The challenge is that Fortran does not support unsigned integers. The intrinsic TRANSFER function is used instead to convert 32-bit reals to 32-bit integers. We could use the C-biding capabilities of Fortran-2003 to call C-based checksum function. Perhaps, we can do it in the future. Currently, two methods are coded using the 32-bit Adler algorithm (adler32) or 32-blit cyclic redundancy check (crc32) algorithm. The crc32 method is the default. The checksum is reported in ROMS standard output:

    GET_GRID    - bathymetry at RHO-points: h
                   (Grid = 01, File: ../../Data/
                   (Min =  1.00000000E+01 Max =  5.19952300E+03)
                   (CheckSum = -1818917438)


 NLM: GET_STATE - Reading state initial conditions,                       2004-01-03 00:00:00.00
                   (Grid 01, Outer=0000, t = 13008.0000, File:, Rec=0001, Index=1)
                - free-surface
                   (Min =  5.17101820E+04 Max =  1.20459790E+05 CheckSum = 1424115731)


    GET_2DFLD   - surface u-wind component,                        2004-01-03 12:30:00.00
                   (Grid=01, Rec=2, Index=2, File:
                   (Tmin=      13007.5208 Tmax=      13026.5208)      t =      13008.5208
                   (Min = -5.22122431E+00 Max =  8.30806637E+00)      regrid = F
                   (CheckSum = 14278099)


    GET_3DFLDR  - u-momentum component,                            2004-01-06 16:00:00.00
                   (Grid=01, Rec=45, Index=1, File:
                   (Tmin=      13008.0000 Tmax=      13012.0000)      t =      13011.6667
                   (Min = -4.29381760E-01 Max =  5.30997271E-01)
                   (CheckSum = 1192629864)

This capability is activated with CPP option CHECKSUM.

  • Several input management routines (get_grid.F, get_2dfld.F, get_2dfldr.F, get_3dfld.F, get_3dfldr.F, get_nudgcoef.F, and get_state.F) were updated to report the checksum when CHECKSUM is activated. The get_ngfld.F and get_ngfldr.F were also modified but the report of the checksum is sometimes different even if the data are identical. It seems that the checksum value is sensitive to array size. For now, the reporting is available if CHECKSUM_NG is activated.
  • The NetCDF reading routines (nf_fread2d.F, nf_fread2d_bry.F, nf_fread3d.F, nf_fread3d_bry.F, and nf_fread4d.F) have a checksum optional argument to compoute it value during the reading of NetCDF data:
                    status=nf_fread2d(ng, model, ncfile, ncid,              &
         &                            Vname(1,ifield), Vid,                 &
         &                            Trec, Vtype, Vsize,                   &
         &                            LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                   &
         &                            Fscale(ifield,ng), Fmin, Fmax,        &
    #ifdef MASKING
         &                            Fmask,                                &
         &                            Fout(:,:,Tindex),                     &
    #ifdef CHECKSUM
         &                            checksum = Fhash,                     &
         &                            Lregrid = Lregrid)
  • The module i4dvar.F and rbl4dvar.F were modified to include variables that are needed for the scripted, split 4D-Var data assimilation strategy. In the unsplit algorithm, such variables are available in memory. It took a lot of time and testing to get identical solutions between the unsplit and split data assimilation applications. Also, the i4dvar_ocean.h and rbl4dvar_ocean.h were updated to include the split 4D-Var logic.
  • Removed shared-memory directives starting with !$OMP in several adjoint routines. As coded, the exact, discrete adjoint model cannot be run in shared memory due to array elements (i-1, i+1, j-1, j+1, etc.) memory collision between neighbor parallel tiles.
  • Added new routine load_frc to frc_adjust.F to load the 4D-Var surface forcing adjustments that are written to the INI NetCDF file. A call is added to main2d.F and main3d.F:
    # if defined ADJUST_STFLUX || defined ADJUST_WSTRESS
    !  Interpolate surface forcing increments and adjust surface forcing.
    !  Load surface forcing into storage arrays. Skip the last output
    !  timestep.
                DO ig=1,GridsInLayer(nl)
                  IF (iic(ng).lt.(ntend(ng)+1)) THEN
                    DO tile=first_tile(ng),last_tile(ng),+1
                      CALL frc_adjust (ng, tile, Lfinp(ng))
                      CALL load_frc (ng, tile, Lfout(ng))
                    END DO
                  END IF
                END DO
    # endif
  • Added new routines to the minimization solvers cgradient.F (cg_read) and rpcg_lanczos.F (cg_read_rpcg) to read several conjugate gradient parameters from the MOD NetCDF in the split 4D-Var algorithms. In the unsplit case, such variables values are available in memory.
  • Corrected bug in obs_sen_rbl4dvar_forecast.h when computing the observation forecast impacts for HF Radar radial data. The haveObsMeta switch is always false on the first call to obs_read, so ObsMeta is zero for the radials. The reason why this is happening is that the NetCDF file had already been opened somewhere prior to calling obs_initial in tl_initial (and ad_initial when appropriate). As a consequence, the observstion arrays were not getting initialized properly by these routines. For now, the solution is to close the NetCDF file before each call to tl_initial and ad_initial. Many thanks to Andy Moore for tracking and fixing this issue.
  • Added switch Lappend to attach information to existing ROMS standard output (log.roms) file in the split 4D-Var algorithms. Also, the CPP option SUPPRESS_REPORT can be activated to avoid reporting repetitive application configuration information fro the split 4D-Var algorithms.
  • Introduced the CPP option INITIALIZE_AUTOMATIC to initialize to zero all the local arrays in step2d_LF_AM3.h and its TLM, RPM, and ADM versions to facilitate debugging in TotalView when comparing two different solutions side-by-side. Otherwise, the automatic arrays are initialized with random garbage.
#863 arango Done Size of characters in mod_netcdf.F

I came across with a NetCDF file that has an 80-characters long attribute name:

Analysis_or_forecast_generating_process_identifier_defined_by_originating_centre = "MESO NAM Model (currently 12 km)"

It seems that it was impossible to summarize the definition into a shorter attribute name. There must be a law against such violation of programming style and metadata design.

The previous limit of the generic size of dimensions, variable, and attribute names was 40. It is now increased to 100:

      character (len=100) :: att_name(Matts)     ! attribute names
      character (len=100) :: dim_name(Mdims)     ! dimension names
      character (len=100) :: var_name(Mvars)     ! variable names
!  Generic information about requested current variable.
      integer :: n_vdim                 ! number of variable dimensions
      integer :: n_vatt                 ! number of variable attributes
      integer :: var_kind               ! external data type
      integer :: var_Dids(NvarD)        ! dimensions ID
      integer :: var_Dsize(NvarD)       ! dimensions values
      integer :: var_Aint(NvarA)        ! attribute integer values
      real(r8) :: var_Afloat(NvarA)     ! attribute float values
      character (len=100)  :: var_Aname(NvarA)   ! Attribute names
      character (len=100)  :: var_Dname(NvarD)   ! dimension names
      character (len=1024) :: var_Achar(NvarA)   ! Attribute char values
#864 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Corrected bug in LwSrc

In src:ticket:860, an update to vertical influx point sources (like river runoff) was released. However, the IF-conditional in step3d_t.F was outside of the tracer DO-loop. We need to have instead:

      IF (LwSrc(ng)) THEN
        DO itrc=1,NT(ng)
          IF (.not.((Hadvection(itrc,ng)%MPDATA).and.                   &
     &              (Vadvection(itrc,ng)%MPDATA))) THEN
            DO is=1,Nsrc(ng)
              IF (((Istr.le.Isrc).and.(Isrc.le.Iend+1)).and.            &
     &            ((Jstr.le.Jsrc).and.(Jsrc.le.Jend+1))) THEN
                DO k=1,N(ng)
# endif
                  IF (LtracerSrc(itrc,ng)) THEN
                  END IF
                  t(Isrc,Jsrc,k,nnew,itrc)=t(Isrc,Jsrc,k,nnew,itrc)+    &
     &                                     cff*SOURCES(ng)%Qsrc(is,k)*  &
     &                                     cff3
                END DO
              END IF
            END DO
          END IF
        END DO
      END IF

The TLM, RPM, ADM version of step3d_t.F was also updated.

Many thanks to Chuning Wang and John Wilkin for reporting this bug.

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