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Results (832 - 834 of 969)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#818 arango Fixed Important: Corrected typo in prsgrd42.h and prsgrd44.h
  • The pressure gradient routines prsgrd42.h and prsgrd44.h use the local variable dP, which is a conflict with the mod_kinds real_kind parameter dp used for double-precision for some selected variables when the solution is mostly in single precision.

Many thanks to Catherine Drinkorn for bringing this issue to my attention.

  • Adjuted the initialization of the makefile macro libraries to take care of cyclic dependency. It fails in some computer operating system. Now, we have:
      libraries := $(SCRATCH_DIR)/libNLM.a $(SCRATCH_DIR)/libUTIL.a

Notice that we add first the dependency for libNLM.a. Many thanks to Bronwyn Cahill for reporting this problem and David Robertson for fixing it.

#819 arango Done IMPORTANT: Updated the 4D-Var array modes driver
  • Updated the ARRAY_MODES (array_modes_w4dvar.h) and W4DPSAS_FCT_SENSITIVITY (obs_sen_w4dpsas_forecast.h) drivers.

For more information about the W4DPSAS analysis and forecast sensitivity driver check wikiROMS.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for the update.

  • Corrected information typo in
#820 arango Done IMPORTANT: Updated 4D-PSAS Forecast Impact and Sensitivity Algorithm

The 4D-PSAS forecast impact and forecast sensitivity algorithm W4DPSAS_FCT_SENSITIVITY was updated.

The usage of the algorithm is quite involved. Test cases forecast impact and forecast sensitivity are described in WikiROMS.

This is the version of the code that will be used the upcoming 2019 ROMS 4D-Var Workshop to be held at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) building in College Park, Maryland, July 29 - August 2, 2019.

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