Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#160 arango wilkin Done NEMURO has no default grazing scheme option

The problem Jordi was having with NEMURO was that he had not chosen a grazing option (neither HOLLING_GRAZING nor IVLEV_EXPLICIT).

checkdefs.F catches the case that both are defined, but not the case that neither is defined.

Can we add a trap for this situation to checkdefs?

Thanks, John.

#165 arango arango Fixed Corrected profile time clocks for distributed-memory applications

The time profiling in MPI was broken because of the way that arguments were passed to mp_reduce in routine wclock_off (timers.F). We were getting the incorrect sums. This bug has been in the code for awhile. I finally got upset about it and I tracked in the debugger. Several of you have been complained about this. Sorry that it took that long for me to fixed.

#171 arango m.hadfield Fixed Incorrect variable name in mod_netcdf.F

Lines 651-653 in mod_netcdf.F are:

            DO j=1,LEN(var_Achar(1))
              var_Aname(i)(j:j)=' '
            END DO

That should be

            DO j=1,LEN(var_Achar(1))
              var_Achar(i)(j:j)=' '
            END DO

This error is detected when compiler bounds checking is enabled.

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